

Desertscape Simulation

<img src="https://aparis69.github.io/public_html/imgs/deserts_representative.jpg" alt="Deserts - representative image" style="float: left; margin: 5px;" />

Source code for some results shown in the paper "Desertscapes Simulation" published in Computer Graphics Forum in 2019 and presented at Pacific Graphics 2019. This is aimed at researchers, students or profesionnals who may want to reproduce some of the results described in the paper.

Project Page.


This implementation has been labelled by the GRSI (Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative), see here for more details.

Important notes


There is no dependency. Running the program will output 3 .jpg files (heightmaps/elevation maps). Tests have been made on:

In you can't compile or run the code, the resulting jpg files are available in the Results/ folder in the repo.


If you use this code in any way, please credit the original article:

@article {Paris2019Desert,
    author = {Paris, Axel and Galin, Eric and Peytavie,
              Adrien and Guérin, Eric and Argudo, Oscar},
    title = {Desertscapes Simulation},
    journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
    volume = {38},
    number = {7},
    year = {2019},


There is still some things missing from the paper implementation. They might be added in the future if someone is interested. What is not in the code: