

Apache SeaTunnel

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Table of Contents


SeaTunnel is a next-generation, high-performance, distributed data integration tool, capable of synchronizing vast amounts of data daily. It's trusted by numerous companies for its efficiency and stability.

Why Choose SeaTunnel

SeaTunnel addresses common data integration challenges:

Key Features

SeaTunnel Workflow

SeaTunnel Workflow

Configure jobs, select execution engines, and parallelize data using Source Connectors. Easily develop and extend connectors to meet your needs.

Supported Connectors

Getting Started

Download SeaTunnel from the Official Website.

Choose your runtime execution engine:

Use Cases

Explore real-world use cases of SeaTunnel, such as Weibo, Tencent Cloud, Sina, Sogou, and Yonghui Superstores. More use cases can be found on the SeaTunnel Blog.

Code of Conduct

Participate in this project in accordance with the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.


We appreciate all developers for their contributions. See the List Of Contributors.

How to Compile

Refer to this Setup for compilation instructions.

Contact Us


SeaTunnel enriches the CNCF CLOUD NATIVE Landscape.

Apache SeaTunnel Web Project

SeaTunnel Web is a web project that provides visual management of jobs, scheduling, running and monitoring capabilities. It is developed based on the SeaTunnel Connector API and the SeaTunnel Zeta Engine. It is a web project that can be deployed independently. It is also a sub-project of SeaTunnel. For more information, please refer to SeaTunnel Web

Our Users

Companies and organizations worldwide use SeaTunnel for research, production, and commercial products. Visit our Users for more information.


Apache 2.0 License

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I install SeaTunnel?

Follow the Installation Guide on our website to get started.

2. How can I contribute to SeaTunnel?

We welcome contributions! Please refer to our Contribution Guidelines for details.

3. How do I report issues or request features?

You can report issues or request features on our GitHub Repository.

4. Can I use SeaTunnel for commercial purposes?

Yes, SeaTunnel is available under the Apache 2.0 License, allowing commercial use.

5. Where can I find documentation and tutorials?

Our Official Documentation includes detailed guides and tutorials to help you get started.

7. Is there a community or support channel?

Join our Slack community for support and discussions: SeaTunnel Slack.