Apache RocketMQ website
This is the website for Apache RocketMQ.
This website is based on Jekyll and a Jekyll theme named Minimal Mistakes.
- Ruby
- Gem
Install & Run
- gem install jekyll bundler
- git clone this repo
- cd rocketmq-site
- bundle install
- bundle exec jekyll serve
Deploy to asf-site
- Checkout branch asf-site and merge the changes:
git merge origin/master
- Generate the site to content directory:
bundle exec jekyll build
- Check the changes and commit.
- Push asf-site to remote branch.
How to post articles to Documentation?
Create a .md file in rocketmq-sites/_docs/, Jekyll will finish the rest of the work.
Please refer to for more details.
How to post articles to Blog?
Create a .md file in rocketmq-sites/_posts/, Jekyll will finish the rest of the work.
Please refer to for more details.
How to modify the navigation?
Please refer to _data/navigation.yml for more details.