

Apache Ozone

Ozone is a scalable, redundant, and distributed object store for Hadoop and Cloud-native environments. Apart from scaling to billions of objects of varying sizes, Ozone can function effectively in containerized environments such as Kubernetes and YARN.


The latest documentation is generated together with the releases and hosted on the apache site.

Please check the documentation page for more information.


Ozone is a top level project under the Apache Software Foundation


Latest release artifacts (source release and binary packages) are available from the Ozone web page.

Quick start

Run Ozone from published Docker image

The easiest way to start a cluster with docker is:

docker run -p 9878:9878 apache/ozone

And you can use AWS S3 cli:

aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:9878/ create-bucket --bucket=wordcount
aws s3 --endpoint http://localhost:9878 cp --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY  /tmp/testfile  s3://wordcount/testfile

Run Ozone from released artifact

If you need a more realistic cluster, you can download the latest (binary) release package, and start a cluster with the help of docker-compose:

After you untar the binary:

cd compose/ozone
docker-compose up -d --scale datanode=3

The compose folder contains different sets of configured clusters (secure, HA, mapreduce example), you can check the various subfolders for more examples.

Run on Kubernetes

Ozone is a first class citizen of the Cloud-Native environments. The binary package contains multiple sets of K8s resource files to show how it can be deployed.

Build from source

Ozone can be built with Apache Maven:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

And can be started with the help of Docker:

cd hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-*/compose/ozone
docker-compose up -d --scale datanode=3

For more information, you can check the Contribution guideline


All contributions are welcome.

  1. Please open a Jira issue
  2. And create a pull request

For more information, you can check the Contribution guideline


The Apache Ozone project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.