

Apache OpenDAL™: Access Data Freely

OpenDAL offers a unified data access layer, empowering users to seamlessly and efficiently retrieve data from diverse storage services. Our goal is to deliver a comprehensive solution for any languages, methods, integrations, and services.

<img src="https://opendal.apache.org/img/architectural.png" alt="OpenDAL Architectural" width="61.8%" />

For ANY languages

Rust CoreRust Core ImageDocs Release Docs Dev
C Binding-Docs Dev
Cpp Binding-Docs Dev
Dotnet Binding--
Go Binding--
Haskell Binding--
Java BindingJava Binding ImageDocs Release Docs Dev
Lua Binding--
Node.js BindingNode.js Binding ImageDocs Dev
Ocaml Binding--
PHP Binding--
Python BindingPython Binding ImageDocs Dev
Ruby Binding--
Swift Binding--
Zig Binding--

For ANY methods

oayAccess data via API Gatewayoay image
oliAccess data via Command Line (alternative to s3cmd, s3cli, azcopy)oli image
ofsAccess data via POSIX file system API (alternative to s3fs)ofs image

For ANY integrations

dav-server-opendalfsa dav-server-rs implementation using opendal.dav-server imageDocs Release Docs Dev
object_store_opendalan object_store implementation using opendal.object_store imageDocs Release Docs Dev
fuse3_opendalAccess data via integrations to fuse3fuse3 imageDocs Release Docs Dev
virtiofs_opendalAccess data via integrations to vhost-user-backendvirtiofs imageDocs Release Docs Dev
unftp-sbe-opendalan unftp storage backend implementation using opendal.unftp-sbe imageDocs Release Docs Dev

For ANY services

Standard Storage Protocolsftp http sftp webdav
Object Storage Servicesazblob cos gcs obs oss s3 <br> b2 openstack_swift upyun vercel_blob
File Storage Servicesfs alluxio azdls azfile chainsafe compfs <br> dbfs gridfs hdfs hdfs_native ipfs webhdfs
Consumer Cloud Storage Servicealiyun_drive gdrive onedrive dropbox icloud koofr <br> pcloud seafile yandex_disk
Key-Value Storage Servicescacache cloudflare_kv dashmap memory etcd <br> foundationdb persy redis rocksdb sled <br> redb tikv atomicserver
Database Storage Servicesd1 mongodb mysql postgresql sqlite surrealdb
Cache Storage Servicesghac memcached mini_moka moka vercel_artifacts
Git Based Storage Serviceshuggingface


The examples are available at here.


The documentation is available at https://opendal.apache.org.


OpenDAL is an active open-source project. We are always open to people who want to use it or contribute to it. Here are some ways to go.

Who is using OpenDAL?

Rust Core

C Binding

Java Binding


The first and most prominent mentions must use the full form: Apache OpenDAL™ of the name for any individual usage (webpage, handout, slides, etc.) Depending on the context and writing style, you should use the full form of the name sufficiently often to ensure that readers clearly understand the association of both the OpenDAL project and the OpenDAL software product to the ASF as the parent organization.

For more details, see the Apache Product Name Usage Guide.

License and Trademarks

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Apache OpenDAL, OpenDAL, and Apache are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.