


An Angular 2 directive for holderjs


1. Install

Install with npm:

npm install holderjs angular-2-holderjs --save

2. Serve holder.directive.js

There are several ways you can do this.

Option 1

Setup a web server to serve the filers in the node_modules/angular-2-holderjs folder with a suitable url of /system.js/angular-2-holderjs [\*\*A].

Effectively this is just a mapping so a url like:


returns the file:


Then add this to the system.js map and packages:

//relevant lines from systemjs.config.js
var map = {
  'angular-2-holderjs':         'system.js/angular-2-holderjs',  //[**B]
var packages = {
  'angular-2-holderjs':         { main: 'holderjs.directive.js',  defaultExtension: 'js' },

Now when your Angular 2 Component imports holderjs.directive it system.js will be able to find it.

Note how [\*\*A] matches [\*\*B] above.

Option 2

Just copy the necessary javascript file to a static directory. In express if you have app.use(express.static('public')); copy holderjs.component.js to the public directory and include it in your html with <script src="/holderjs.component.js"></script>.

This is quick and easy, but if you can see why option 1 has advantages, and is more akin to how things are done in the Angular 2 tutorial, then use option 1 like I do!

3. Import the Directive

Add the holderjs directive as a dependancy for your component which requires it

import { HolderjsDirective } from 'angular-2-holderjs/holderjs.directive';

    selector: 'your-component',
    templateUrl: 'your.component.html',
    directives: [HolderjsDirective, ...],

export class YourComponent {


4. Use the Directive

Use directive in your component template:

<!-- somewhere in your.component.html -->
<img holderjs data-src="holder.js/200x200/auto">

Change History

v1.0.1 - 2016/07/17

v1.0.0 - 2016/07/17