


This plugin allows you to preview close folds, without opening them.


Table of contents

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Instalation and setup

To install and setup with packer use this snippet:

use { 'anuvyklack/fold-preview.nvim',
   requires = 'anuvyklack/keymap-amend.nvim',
   config = function()
         -- Your configuration goes here.


To configure the plugin, you need to pass options into setup() function within the table like this. Below are all available options.


integer | false (default: false)

Automatically open preview if cursor enters and stays in folded line for specified number of milliseconds (400 is decent value).


boolean (default: true)

Set to false to disable default keybindings.


"none" | "single" | "double" | "rounded" | "solid" | "shadow" | string[]
default: { ' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' }

See: :help nvim_open_win()


I personally don't want to learn a new key combination to preview folds. So I tried to create something that would feel natural.

By default h and l keys are used. On first press of h key, when cursor is on a closed fold, the preview will be shown. On second press the preview will be closed and fold will be opened. When preview is opened, the l key will close it and open fold. In all other cases theese keys will work as usual.

A preview window also will be closed on any cursor move, changing mode, or buffer leaving.

Custom keybindings

Main functions

There three main functions in the require('fold-preview') module:

Mapping functions

Also, there are several special functions which allow you to create an interface similar to the default one. They are contains in mapping table:


These functions meant to be used with keymap-amend.nvim plugin. Read its documentation to find out what is original in next functions signatures.

Here are default keybindings:

local keymap = vim.keymap
keymap.amend = require('keymap-amend')
local map = require('fold-preview').mapping

keymap.amend('n', 'h',  map.show_close_preview_open_fold)
keymap.amend('n', 'l',  map.close_preview_open_fold)
keymap.amend('n', 'zo', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zO', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zc', map.close_preview_without_defer)
keymap.amend('n', 'zR', map.close_preview)
keymap.amend('n', 'zM', map.close_preview_without_defer)

Using K for fold preview

Another choice is to use K, since it is already utilized for LSP hover preview (as nvim-lspconfig suggests). Pay attention that your LSP settings are loaded before fold-preview.nvim to make keymap-amend function correctly handle key mappings!

use { 'anuvyklack/fold-preview.nvim',
   requires = 'anuvyklack/keymap-amend.nvim',
   config = function()
      local fp = require('fold-preview')
      local map = require('fold-preview').mapping
      local keymap = vim.keymap
      keymap.amend = require('keymap-amend')

         default_keybindings = false
         -- another settings

      keymap.amend('n', 'K', function(original)
         if not fp.show_preview() then original() end
         -- or
         -- if not fp.toggle_preview() then original() end
         -- to close preview on second press on K.
      keymap.amend('n', 'h',  map.close_preview_open_fold)
      keymap.amend('n', 'l',  map.close_preview_open_fold)
      keymap.amend('n', 'zo', map.close_preview)
      keymap.amend('n', 'zO', map.close_preview)
      keymap.amend('n', 'zc', map.close_preview_without_defer)
      keymap.amend('n', 'zR', map.close_preview)
      keymap.amend('n', 'zM', map.close_preview_without_defer)


This plugin defines two highlight groups to customize the preview window: