Using Transfer Learning for Code-Related Tasks
In this study, we extend our previous work <a href=''>Studying the usage of text-to-text transfer transformer for code-related tasks</a> paying particular attention at the role played by pre-training and multi-task fine-tuning on the model's performance.
In order to pre-train and then finetune a T5 small model, we need a new sentencepiece model to accommodate the expanded vocabulary given by the java programming language, abstracted java tokens, and technical natural language.
How to train a new <a href=''>SPmodel</a>
Pythonic way
pip install sentencepiece==0.1.96 import sentencepiece as spm spm.SentencePieceTrainer.train('--input=pretraining.txt --model_prefix=dl4se --vocab_size=32000 --bos_id=-1 --eos_id=1 --unk_id=2 --pad_id=0')
The new SPmodel has to be trained on the entire pre-training corpus. The tokenizer we trained is available <a href="">here</a>
Set up a GCS Bucket :bulb:
To Set up a new GCS Bucket for training and fine-tuning a T5 Model, please follow the orignal guide provided by <a href=''> Google </a>. Here the link: Subsequently, by following the jupyter notebook we provide for pre-train and fine-tune the network, you should be able to set up the final environment.
Datasets :paperclip:
The datasets for the pre-training and the fine-tuning can be found <a href="">here</a>
Pre-trainig/Fine-tuning :computer:
To pre-train and then, fine-tune T5, please use the script we provide here:
- <a href =''>Pre-Training</a>
- <a href =''>Fine-Tuning</a>
How to generate the predictions :chart_with_upwards_trend:
First you need to convert the TF model into a pytorch model by using <a href=''> TF_to_Pytorch </a>, then run <a href=''> Generate Results </a>
Models :bar_chart:
- <a href="">No Pre-Training</a>
- <a href="">Pre-Training Single Task</a>
- <a href="">Pre-Training Multi Task (Proportional Sampling)</a>
- <a href="">Pre-Training Multi Task (Balanced Sampling)</a>
Predictions: :open_file_folder: <a href=""> Click Me! </a>
Additional: :clipboard:
Under <a href=''>Miscellaneous</a>, you can find the additional script used for computing the statistical tests, the complementary analysis, the overlap and data snooping analysis.
Extra: :clipboard:
Hyperparameters tuning results are available <a href=""> here </a>
To navigate the replication package click <a href="">here</a>