

serverless.tf playground to show it in action

This repository is a playground for serverless.tf approach, which aims to simplify all operations when working with the serverless in Terraform.


  1. Source code for Lambda Functions is in src folder.
  2. All infrastructure configuration and deployment configurations is in hashitalks2021 folder.
  3. When code changes, and developer wants to "deploy it to prod", run cd terraform && terraform init && terraform apply. This will build deployment package, update resources, and deploy all to prod using AWS CodeDeploy.

Useful commands

$ http https://vdlsaentfnbvtaes7aduvzrwdm.appsync-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphql x-api-key:da2-1enspdfpdvfvlk4efjqto4oks4 query='{ listPets { id name } }'


  1. Use Terragrunt for orchestration (deploy one by one or all together with respective dependencies)
  2. Group resources (eg, by layer (lambdas, for eg), environment, or region)


This repository managed by Anton Babenko. Check out serverless.tf to learn more about doing serverless with Terraform.

Please reach out to Betajob if you are looking for commercial support for your Terraform, AWS, or serverless project.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.