


Formatter for Typst!

BeforeDefault StyleOTBS Style
Before formattingDefault styleOTBS style


cargo install --git=https://github.com/antonWetzel/prettypst.git --locked

Usage / Features


prettypst [--help]                          | Print help
prettypst <file>                            | Format file inplace
prettypst --use-std-in ...                  | Use terminal as input
prettypst ... -o <output-file>              | Change output file
prettypst ... --use-std-out                 | Use terminal as output
prettypst --style=[default | otbs] ...      | Change the used style
prettypst --use-configuration ...           | Load a configuration from "prettypst.toml"
prettypst --file-location=<path> ...        | Change file location to search for configuration (use with --use-std-in)

VSCodium or VSCode



indentation = 0 | 1 | ... # use 0 for tabs
seperate-label = false | true # insert space before a label
final-newline = false | true # insert a final newline at the end

content = false | true # preserve single newlines in markup
math = false | true # preserve single newline in equations

long-block-style = "seperate" | "compact" # '[' and ']' on the same or seperate lines as the content

space-before = false | true # insert a space before the ':' in terms
space-after = false | true # insert a space after the ':' in terms

space-before = false | true # insert a space before the ':' in named arguments
space-after = false | true # insert a space after the ':' in named arguments

space-before = false | true # insert a space before the ':' in dictionary entries
space-after = false | true # insert a space after the ':' in dictionary entries

space-before = false | true # insert a space before the ':' in import statements
space-after = false | true # insert a space after the ':' in import statements

space-before = false | true # insert a space before the ',' in arguments
space-after = false | true # insert a space after the ',' in arguments

comma = "end-of-content" | "end-of-cell" # how to align commas in tables

blank-lines-before = 0 | 1 | ... # blank lines before a heading
blank-lines-after = 0 | 1 | ... # blank lines after a heading

grid = "columns"     # format the "grid", "gridx", ... command with
gridx = "columns"    # columns specified by the named argument "columns"
table = "columns"
tablex = "columns"