

Mig - library to write composable and lightweight servers

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The Mig is a library to build lightweight composable servers. The main strength is ability to build servers from parts and flexible and type-safe DSL which features only small amount of functions. The name mig (pronounced as meeg) is a russian word for "instant moment".

Hello world server example

With the library mig-server installed we can define a simple server with two routes:

{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}

import Mig.Json.IO

-- | Starts server on port 8085.
main :: IO ()
main = runServer 8085 (withSwagger def server)

-- | The server definition
server :: Server IO
server = 
  "api/v1" /. 
    [ "hello" /. hello
    , "bye" /. bye

-- | The handler definition as a function
hello :: Get (Resp Text)
hello = pure $ ok "Hello World"

-- | The handler definition as a function with a query parameter to ask for the user name
bye :: Query "user" Text -> Get (Resp Text)
bye (Query name) = pure $ ok ("Goodbye " <> name)

We can test the server with curl or with swagger-ui if it's run localy on the url http://localhost:8085/swagger-ui. For more examples see the directory.

Comparison to Scotty and Servant

I like scotty for being very simple and servant for being composable, type-safe and how functions are used as handlers which provides decoupling of Web-handlers from application logic. But sometimes scotty feels too imperative and lacks servant's composability. And servant with type-level magic and huge errors can feel to complicated. So I wanted to create something in the middle. Something composable and simple at the same time.

Structure of the repo

An overview of the mig repo:

See Makefile for main commands to work with repo in dev mode.

Tutorial and other links