


Uses flask for a web framework , jinja for templates , redis for message que , server side push for real time updates and some js .

start webserver with the following command :

  python diff-gui.py -p [port] -a [listenning address]

If it complains , make sure you have all the python dependencies installed !

anto$ cat requirements.txt


you can use pip install module_name to install all of these dependencies

Install redis , and start it by typing redis-server in the console

Download frida server for arm android from frida.re and push it to the device

  adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp
  adb shell
  cd /data/local/tmp

execute frida-ps -U to make sure you have a working installation , the command should list all the processes running on the device / emulator

for remote execute frida-ps -R [remote addresse]

Now , you can start instrumenting with the avaliable modules !

Happy Hacking :)

Initial Screen - Enter Package name here !

alt tag

Select the Module you want to use , or add modules by just adding js scripts to modules folder

alt tag

Run the script or make any changes in the IDE and get Results in the same screen !

alt tag

You can also do native hooking as shown below !

alt tag

remote android emulator injection

Download frida server for arm android from frida.re and push it to the device

  adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp
  adb shell
  cd /data/local/tmp
  ./frida-server -l

redirect frida-server traffic to host traffic

 guy@remote-host : telnet localhost 5554
 redir add tcp:1337:27042

because redirection are made on loopback address you need to forward traffic socat tcp-listen:27042,bind=,fork tcp:

now all the traffic should be redirected from host:27042 to frida-server on the emulated android guest

very usefull if - like me - you klike to dockerize your emulation and other services and want them to interact