

Nano ID

Secure, URL-friendly, flexible and unique string ID generator for Swift. Swift realization of Nano ID


Drag-n-drop NanoID.swift file into your project.


// Nano ID with default alphabet (0-9a-zA-Z_~) and length (21 chars)
let id = NanoID.new() // -> dtY0D_lLeJJjM~pogpcY9
// Nano ID with default alphabet and given length
let id = NanoID.new(12) // -> _xw7Sou69dSQ
// Nano ID with given alphabet and length
let id = NanoID.new(alphabet: .uppercasedLatinLetters, size: 15) // -> BFIXOAMLMKVSTYS
// Nano ID with preset custom parameters
let nanoID = NanoID(alphabet: .lowercasedLatinLetters,.numbers, size:10)
let idFirst = nanoID.new() // -> b08eochgzf
let idSecond = nanoID.new() // -> 80q1uxyf2p


Generation of 100,000 IDs of 0-9a-zA-Z_~ alphabet with length of 21 characters was tested.

On iPhone 5, iOS 10.3.3

Total time: 23.474965 secs (0.00023 sec per one ID)

On iPhone X, iOS 11.4

Total time: 1.631867 secs (0.00002 sec per one ID)


Among all 100,000 generated IDs the least used character occered 30,795 times. The most used character occured 31,650 times (2.7% bias)