

Arbiter Template

Minimal template for simulating contracts with arbiter. This template provides an example of how to build Agent-Based Models (ABM) with evm parity. In this model, you can think of anything that happens as a behavior of an agent. Agents can have externally owned accounts (EOAs), interact with each other, and interact with smart contracts.

This repository has an example behavior Incrementer. The current design philosophy is that the user should only ever have to build agent behaviors implementing the Behavior trait. In this example, the Incrementer behavior is configured with a config file. Configuring behaviors with a config file is a design choice we made to enable versatile parameterization at runtime as opposed to compile time.



cargo generate is a tool to create new Rust projects from pre-existing templates. It is used to create a new project from a template.

cargo install cargo-generate

Use the template

cargo generate --git https://github.com/primitivefinance/arbiter-template

Run the template project

cargo run simulate configs/example.toml -vvv

Log Verbosity

The -vvv flag is used to increase the verbosity of the logs. The more v's, the more verbose the logs.