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Check yopmail mails from command line.


Download binaries here : yogo.

Or run: go install github.com/antham/yogo/v4@latest

A package is available in aur for archlinux.


Check yopmail mails from command line.

  yogo [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  inbox       Handle inbox messages
  version     App version

      --debug   Log all requests/responses
  -h, --help    help for yogo
      --json    Dump the output as json

Use "yogo [command] --help" for more information about a command.

⚠️ Performing too much calls will trigger a CAPTCHA that you will need to solve through a browser. Add a delay to prevent this.

Environment variable

You can customize the behaviour of Yogo through several environment variables:

NameDefault valueUsage
HTTP_PROXYEmptyDefine an HTTP proxy for the requests
HTTPS_PROXYEmptyDefine an HTTPs proxy for the requests
YOGO_USER_AGENTSee the defaultUserAgent const in the clientThe user agent used to perfom the requests
YOGO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT10Duration of a request before reaching the timeout in seconds


Use the --json output flag to get the output as JSON.

In case of an issue with yogo, use the --debug flag to log the requests/responses.



Retrieve 10 messages from mailbox test1@yopmail.com :

yogo inbox list test1 10


Flush inbox test1@yopmail.com :

yogo inbox flush test1

Read a mail

Retrieve first message from inbox helloworld@yopmail.com

yogo inbox show helloworld 1

Retrieve second message from inbox helloworld@yopmail.com

yogo inbox show helloworld 2

Read the source of the mail with all headers

yogo inbox source helloworld 1

Delete a mail

Delete first message from inbox helloworld@yopmail.com

yogo inbox delete helloworld 1