<h1 align="center"> Icônes </h1> <p align="center">Icon Explorer with <b>Instant</b> searching, powered by <a href="" target="_blank">Iconify</a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="">Go to App</a> </p> <p align="center"> <sub><em>Electron is coming...</em></sub> </p><p align="center"> <sub><em>Dark Mode is now Live!</em></sub> </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=''/> </a> </p>
- Instant Fuzzy Searching - all are done locally, no web queries!
- The Bag - select your icons and pack them into a ready-to-use icon font!
- svg-packer was born from this XD
- Copy the usage scripts
- SVGs direct download
- Mobile friendly
- Collection bookmarks
- Categories filters
- Dark mode
- Built with Vite and Vue 3
- If you like how it's built - try 🏕 Vitesse, an opinionated starter template made from Icônes
- Electron client (Coming!)
- Full-offline mode - pack all the icons
MIT - Anthony Fu 2020