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Welcome to Ant Media Server!

Are you ready to revolutionize your live video streaming experience? Look no further! Ant Media Server is your ultimate solution for high-quality, ultra-low latency streaming. With over 2000 enterprises worldwide already relying on our platform, you can trust us to deliver outstanding performance and exceptional user experiences.


Why Choose Ant Media Server?

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Ant Media Server Today!

Ready to embark on your streaming journey? Here's what you need to do:

  1. Explore our Documentation: Dive into our comprehensive documentation to learn everything about Ant Media Server's features, installation guides, API references, and more.
  2. Join our Community: Engage with our vibrant community of developers, streaming enthusiasts, and experts on our forum. Share your ideas, get support, and stay updated with the latest developments.
  3. <a href="https://antmedia.io/webrtc-samples?utm_source=github&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=ams">Try Demos</a>: Curious to see Ant Media Server in action? Check out our live WebRTC samples to experience the power and performance firsthand.
  4. Download and Install: Get your hands on Ant Media Server Community by downloading the latest release from our GitHub repository. Follow the installation guide to set up your streaming environment effortlessly.
  5. Upgrade to Enterprise Edition: Unlock premium features and dedicated support by upgrading to our Enterprise Edition. Contact our sales team to discuss your requirements and get started.
  6. Spread the Word: Help us grow the Ant Media Server community! Share your positive experiences on G2 and other platforms, follow us on social media, and encourage others to join the revolution!

At Ant Media Server, we're passionate about delivering cutting-edge streaming solutions that empower businesses and individuals worldwide. Join us today and unleash the full potential of live video streaming!

🚀 Seamless Ant Media Server Deployment: Effortless & Trustworthy

Deploy Ant Media Server seamlessly on your favorite cloud platforms with 1-Click apps, cloud marketplaces, or Docker/Kubernetes/Scripts. Get started quickly and effortlessly with our streamlined deployment options.

Install On-Premises

Install via Script & SSL Setup

Ready to Launch in Cloud

Cloud ProviderCommunity EditionEnterprise Edition
AWSCommunity EditionEnterprise Edition
AzureCommunity EditionEnterprise Edition
GCP-Enterprise Edition

Setup an Auto-Scalable Solution with CloudFormation In 5 minutes

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7bP0u0jQRQ"><img width="640" src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/y7bP0u0jQRQ/0.jpg"/></a><br/> <a href="https://antmedia.io/docs/guides/clustering-and-scaling/aws/scale-with-aws-cloudformation/">CloudFormation Deployment in 5 Minutes</a>

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Discover the Power of Ant Media: Start Your Free Trial Today!

Unleash Your Streaming Potential with Ant Media's Exceptional Support!

Whether you opt for our Community Edition, engaging with our active GitHub Discussions community, or our Enterprise Edition with email support. Explore our comprehensive support packages and tap into the resources that will elevate your streaming experience. No matter the edition, our goal is to deliver exceptional support, empowering you to create remarkable streaming experiences. Need help or have inquiries? Contact us at support@antmedia.io. Let's embark on a seamless streaming journey together!


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