

MUSIQ: Multi-Scale Image Quality Transformer

Unofficial pytorch implementation of the paper "MUSIQ: Multi-Scale Image Quality Transformer" (paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05997)

This code doesn't exactly match what the paper describes.

The environmental settings are described below. (I cannot gaurantee if it works on other environments)

Train & Validation

First, you need to download weights of ResNet50 pretrained on ImageNet database.

Second, you need to download the KonIQ-10k dataset.

After those settings, you can run the train & validation code by running "train.py"

Belows are the validation performance on KonIQ-10k database (I'm still training the code, so the results will be updated later)


First, you need to specify variables in "inference.py"

After those settings, you can run the inference code by running "inference.py"


We refer to the following website to implement the transformer (https://paul-hyun.github.io/transformer-01/)