


Rust is a systems programming language, but is it a machine learning language?


Inspired by Are We Web Yet?, this project aims to catalog the the Rust ML ecosystem.


Feedback, issues, and pull requests are welcome and appreciated for adding missing crates, providing additional resources, or improving the content.

Running locally

# GitHub OAuth token avoids 403 rate limiting errors while generated crate data
# Tip: set in `.env` file and `just` will pick it up automatically

# Scrape crate/repo data for sitegen
just scrape

# Start a dev server on port 3000
cobalt serve

The site should be running on localhost:3000

How it works

The repo consists of 2 key parts:

Note: cobalt serve does not trigger the scraper to rerun when crates.yaml (or the scraper) changes. Currently you must rerun just scrape to update crates_generated.yaml.


arewelearningyet.com is served by Github Pages. Every merge into master is automatically published by a Github Actions job.

Additionally, to ensure crate statistics (download counts and stars) are regularly updated, the publishing task is also run as a weekly cron job.