

Redux Easy Universal Boilerplate

bitHound Overall Score


Really easy react universal boilerplate with many commentaries

How it works

See commentaries in code


Install rimraf: $ npm install rimraf -g<br /> Install nodemon: $ npm install nodemon -g<br /> Install concurrently: $ npm install -g concurrently

Start development

$ npm run api

$ npm run start

after: open 'http://localhost:3000' in browser<br /><br /> hint: use this mode for development

Start development (server-side-rendering)

$ npm run api

Don't forget install concurrently: npm install -g concurrently

$ npm run start-ssr or $ sudo npm run start-ssr

after: open 'http://localhost:3000' in browser<br /><br /> hint: use this mode for test server-side-rendering before build. <br /> doesn't have hot reload, but you can mannualy refresh page in browser.

Start production

$ npm run build

$ npm run api:prod

$ npm run start:prod

after: open 'http://localhost' in browser<br /><br /> hint: use this mode for production on server (without server-side-rendering)

Start production (server-side-rendering)

$ npm run build

$ npm run api:prod

$ npm run start-ssr:prod

after: open 'http://localhost' in browser<br /><br /> hint: use this mode for production on server

Run tests

$ npm run test

How to add react-formal for forms?

See branch: feature/react-formal<br />
