


Code for generating synthetic text images as described in "Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images", Ankush Gupta, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman, CVPR 2016.

Synthetic Scene-Text Image Samples Synthetic Scene-Text Samples

The code in the master branch is for Python2. Python3 is supported in the python3 branch.

The main dependencies are:

pygame==2.0.0, opencv (cv2), PIL (Image), numpy, matplotlib, h5py, scipy

Generating samples

python gen.py --viz [--datadir <path-to-dowloaded-renderer-data>]

where, --datadir points to the renderer_data directory included in the data torrent. Specifying this datadir is optional, and if not specified, the script will automatically download and extract the same renderer.tar.gz data file (~24 M). This data file includes:

This script will generate random scene-text image samples and store them in an h5 file in results/SynthText.h5. If the --viz option is specified, the generated output will be visualized as the script is being run; omit the --viz option to turn-off the visualizations. If you want to visualize the results stored in results/SynthText.h5 later, run:

python visualize_results.py

Pre-generated Dataset

A dataset with approximately 800000 synthetic scene-text images generated with this code can be found in the SynthText.zip file in the torrent here; dataset detais/description in readme.txt file in the same torrent.

Adding New Images

Segmentation and depth-maps are required to use new images as background. Sample scripts for obtaining these are available here.

For an explanation of the fields in sample.h5 (e.g.: seg,area,label), please check this comment.

Pre-processed Background Images

The 8,000 background images used in the paper, along with their segmentation and depth masks, are included in the same torrent as the pre-generated dataset under the bg_data directory. The files are:

imnames.cpnames of images which do not contain background text
bg_img.tar.gzimages (filter these using imnames.cp)
depth.h5depth maps
seg.h5segmentation maps

use_preproc_bg.py provides sample code for reading this data.

Note: We do not own the copyright to these images.

Generating Samples with Text in non-Latin (English) Scripts

Further Information

Please refer to the paper for more information, or contact me (email address in the paper).