

Auriga Build Status

Auriga is a minimalist LaTex beamer presentation theme.

<p align="center"> <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anishathalye/assets/master/auriga/auriga.pdf"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anishathalye/assets/master/auriga/auriga.png"> </a> </p>

See how the Auriga themed presentation (left) compares to the beamer default (right):


If you're looking for a beamer poster theme, take a look at Gemini.



  1. Copy the files in this repository (or clone the repository).

  2. Add slides in slides/, using the existing slides as templates. Add include lines for slides in presentation.tex.

  3. Run make to build your presentation. This builds both p.pdf, the raw version of the slides, and p-notes.pdf, a version of slides that has speaker notes included. These can be viewed using a program like Présentation.app.


If you're looking to use Auriga with R Markdown, see this example.

Design goals


Contributions to Auriga such as bug reports and new slide components are greatly appreciated! Given the subjective nature of design, you're encouraged to open an issue or pull request early to get feedback before investing time in implementing a new feature.


Copyright (c) Anish Athalye. Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for details.