A Chocolate Fiesta | Easy | |
Picking Cards | Easy | |
nCr Table | Medium | |
Coinage | Medium | |
Building a List | Medium | |
Merge List | Medium | |
Choose and Calculate | Medium | |
Sherlock and Pairs | Medium | |
Consecutive Subsequences | Medium | |
Anti-Palindromic Strings | Medium | |
Lexicographic Paths | Medium | |
Number List | Medium | |
Journey To Mars | Medium | |
Super Humble Matrix | Medium | |
Volleyball Match | Medium | |
Cyclic Quadruples | Medium | |
Longest Increasing Subsequence Arrays | Medium | |
Digit Products | Medium | |
Tower 3-coloring | Medium | |
Count Fox Sequences | Medium | |
Manasa and Combinatorics | Medium | |
Coloring Grid | Medium | |
Div and Span | Medium | |
Ichigo and Revenge | Medium | |
Binomial Coefficients Revenge | Medium | |
Circles Math | Medium | |
Costly Graphs | Medium | |
Bridges and Harbors | Medium | |
Mehta and the Typical Supermarket | Hard | |
Game of Thrones - II | Hard | |
Permutation Problem | Hard | |
Towers | Hard | |
Introduction to Representation Theory | Hard | |
Tile Painting: Revisited! | Hard | |
Beautiful Sets | Hard | |
Alien Flowers | Hard | |
Grid Lines | Hard | |
Highway Construction | Hard | |
Value of all Permutations | Hard | |
Farmer | Advanced | |
Irresponsible Numbers | Hard | |
Academy Surveillance | Advanced | |
Parity Party | Expert | |
String Modification | Expert | |
To Heap or Not to Heap | Advanced | |
Sasha and Swaps | Hard | |
k-Balance Number | Hard | |
Powercode | Hard | |
Insane DFS | Expert | |
How Many Trees? | Advanced | |
Strongly Connected Digraphs | Hard | |
Robanukkah Tree | Hard | |
Teleporters | Expert | |
Count Palindromes | Hard | |
Cycle Representation | Expert | |
To Infinity and Beyond | Expert | |
Byteland Itinerary | Advanced | |