

angr Management

Code style: black

This is the GUI for angr. Launch it and analyze some binaries!

Some screenshots:

Disassembly Decompilation


Portable, pre-built executable

The easiest way to run angr-management is by grabbing a bundled release from the releases page: https://github.com/angr/angr-management/releases

Builds can be extracted and then run from anywhere. Note that builds are currently unsigned.

From PyPI

To install angr-management, use pip:

pip install angr-management

angr-management can then be run with the command angr-management.

Development Install

See angr-dev for how to set up a development environment for the angr suite. angr-management is included by default and checked out to angr-management directory. If you encounter dependency issues, re-running setup.sh or setup.bat from angr-dev will ensure all dependencies are installed.

angr-management can then be run with angr-management or python start.py.

FLIRT signatures: For now, please manually clone FLIRT signatures by running git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/angr/angr-management, which will clone the flirt_signatures submodule.




Configuration files locations vary by platform.


Plugins may be installed by placing a subdirectory under plugins. The directory must contain an __init__.py like that in TestPlugin:

from .test_plugin import TestPlugin
PLUGIN_CLS_NAME = TestPlugin.__name__

This also allows you to import a plugin class from another package entirely. The plugin itself should inherit from BasePlugin. Callbacks and events are a work in progress, so the API is subject to change. See TestPlugin for an example of a multithreaded plugin sample.


Take a look at https://docs.angr.io/extending-angr/angr_management!

Building with PyInstaller

To build a portable executable using PyInstaller, install angr management into a python envrionment with the pyinstaller extra. Do not install anything in editable mode (pip's -e), as PyInstaller currently fails to bundle modules installed with editable mode. Then, run pyinstaller angr-management.spec.

If things go wrong, the best bet is to reference the nightly build pipeline and the PyInstaller docs. The CI environment that produces nightly builds is at .github/workflows/nightly-build.yml and .github/workflows/nightly-build.sh.