

This project is now deprecated, please see the following repositories:

It was a great experiences to work with smart guys (Mircrosoft and other guys), but today I have no time to work on this project. See discussion at https://github.com/angelozerr/tslint-language-service/issues/88#issuecomment-430142603


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TypeScript language service plugin for tslint.

To use it the plugin:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
      { "name": "tslint-language-service"}

Your node_modules folder should look like this:

Notice due to an issue in the implementation of the no-unused-variable rule ([issue2469]), this rule will be disabled by the plugin. You can use the typescript compiler options noUnusedLocals and noUnusedParameters instead.

Configuration options

Notice this configuration settings allow you to configure the behaviour of the tslint-language-service plugin. To configure rules and tslint options you should use the tslint.json file.

Here a configuration sample:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
      { "name": "tslint-language-service",
        "alwaysShowRuleFailuresAsWarnings": false,
        "ignoreDefinitionFiles": true,
        "configFile": "../tslint.json",
        "disableNoUnusedVariableRule": false,
        "supressWhileTypeErrorsPresent": false,
        "mockTypeScriptVersion": false

Editors Support

All editors which consumes tsserver (VSCode >=1.16.1, Sublime, Eclipse, etc) can use tslint-language-service. Here a demo with Eclipse and tslint 5.0.0.

tslint demo


Install typescript.java and you can use the TypeScript Project wizard which configures tslint-language-service.

Visual Studio Code

If you also have the vscode-tslint extension in VS Code installed, please disable it to avoid that files are linted twice.

To use the plugin with VS Code (>=1.16.1):

The most important differences between the vscode-tslint extension and the tslint-languageservice-plugin are:

ts version switcher


tslint demo VS Code

Development Setup

This section describes how to setup your environment so that you can develop and test the language server plugin.

The folder dev contains a project with a tsconfig.json that enables the tslint-languageservice plugin a tslint.json and some test files with rule violations you can use for manual testing.

VS Code

To compile the test for manual testing run npm run devtest, this script compiles the plugin and patches the tslint-language-service module inside the dev folder.

To test open VS Code on the dev folder and use the TypeScript version picker to switch to the local version of TypeScript. This version will use the patched tslint-language-service module.

To debug you use two versions of VS Code, e.g., the stable and the insider version. The idea is that one of them is configured to support attaching a debugger to the Typescript language server:

To setup the stable version for debugging, you need to set the environment variable TSS_DEBUG to port 5859. In a command prompt/shell:

To debug the tslint-language-service plugin press F5. The dev workspace has a launch configuration that attaches through port 5859 to the language server. To set a break point open node_modules\tslint-language-service\out\src\index.js. You have to set the break point in the .js file, but you can step afterwards in the TypeScript source file.