EOSIO Stats Plugin
The eosio stats plugin can be used to gather statistics on the number of transactions and actions per block. Per-block data is written into a mongodb table for easy querying and analysis.
MongoDB Document Format
The plugin gathers the following data for every block:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0ea0b980084e63d6219f57"),
"actions" : 1986,
"block_num" : 10614007,
"transactions" : 1986,
"cpu_usage_us" : 199880,
"net_usage_words" : 25818,
"time" : ISODate("2018-08-11T16:20:06Z")
Transactions is obviously the number of transactions in the block, no surprise there.
The actions value is the number of individual actions (individual blockchain operations) including inline-actions.
The values cpu_usage_us and net_usage_words give the total usage of cpu and net resources of this block. The usage percentage of the chain can be calculated by comparing the value with "block_cpu_limit" or "block_net_limit" from cleos get info.
Time could be used to generate beautiful graphs or for traffic analysis.
The plugin automatically installs indexes on the columns "actions", "transactions", "block_num" and "time", so they can be queried against.
Useful Queries
Get the block with the highest number of transactions:
db.s.find().sort({transactions: -1}).limit(1)
Get the block with the highest number of actions:
db.s.find().sort({actions: -1}).limit(1)
The transactions per seconds value (TPS) or actions per seconds (APS) can be calculated by taking number of transactions/actions in a block multiplied by 2.
Analysis Tools
As a companion project, I built eosstats that provides a livestream via websocket of the activity in current blocks. It can also be used to feed information about your favourite eosio-based blockchain to blocktivity.
Considerations while replaying the blockchain
When replaying the blockchain, please add the --stats-plugin-wipe-mongo flag to nodeos to make sure the action and transaction counters don't get messed up.
Installation instructions
- Works on any EOSIO node that runs v1.4.0 and up.
Building the plugin [Install on your nodeos server]
You need to statically link this plugin with nodeos. To do that, build eosio like that:
export LOCAL_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DEOSIO_ADDITIONAL_PLUGINS=<path-to-eosio-stats-plugin>"
./ -s EOS
Add to your nodeos config.ini
plugin = eosio::stats_plugin
read-mode = read-only
You need to have a mongodb server running at the given URI. The name of the database that should be used by the plugin can be given after the slash, "eosstats" in this example.
Replay the blockchain
If you would like to gather block stats for historical blocks, the blockchain needs to be replayed after installation of the plugin.
Confirm that it's working
While the blockchain is replaying, you can check progress like this:
use eosstats
db.s.find().sort({block_num: -1}).limit(1).pretty()
This query will show you the current block number.