


This library is not longer supported. If you need some functionality, PRs are accepted.

Auto update for your Android/UWP

<div class="inline-block" > <img style="float: left;" src="https://github.com/angelinn/Xam.Plugin.UpdatePrompt/blob/master/images/update_android.PNG" alt="android" width="220"/> <img style="float: left;" src="https://github.com/angelinn/Xam.Plugin.UpdatePrompt/blob/master/images/install_android.png" alt="android" width="220"/> <img style="float: left;" src="https://github.com/angelinn/Xam.Plugin.UpdatePrompt/blob/master/images/update_uwp.jpg" alt="uwp" width="220"/> <img style="float: left;" src="https://github.com/angelinn/Xam.Plugin.UpdatePrompt/blob/master/images/install_uwp.jpg" alt="uwp" width="220"/> </div>

What is it?

How does it work?


Nuget package will be available soon.

Install the package on the mobile projects in your solution (.netstandard, Android, UWP, iOS).


For Android API > 23 a FileProvider configuration is required:

  <application android:label="...">
    <provider android:name="android.support.v4.content.FileProvider" android:authorities="com.companyname.application" android:grantUriPermissions="true" android:exported="false">
      <meta-data android:name="android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS" android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <files-path name="files" path="/" />
AutoUpdate.Init(this, authority);

NOTE: The authority value is the same as the android:authorities in the AndroidManifest file.

NOTE: Since Android Oreo (API 27), every app needs additional access to install APKs. You must add this permission if you wish to support Oreo:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" />


UpdateManagerParameters parameters = new UpdateManagerParameters
    Title = "Update available",
    Message = "A new version is available. Please update!",
    Confirm = "Update",
    Cancel = "Cancel",
    // choose how often to check when opening the app to avoid spamming the user every time
    RunEvery = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
    CheckForUpdatesFunction = async () =>
        // check for updates from external url ...
        return new UpdatesCheckResponse(true, downloadUrl);

Use UpdateMode.AutoInstall to download and install the application

UpdateManager.Initialize(parameters, UpdateMode.AutoInstall);

or UpdateMode.OpenAppStore to open the corresponding app store

UpdateManager.Initialize(parameters, UpdateMode.OpenAppStore);

Auto install

Using the auto install mode, the plugin will download the file provided in the DownloadUrl parameter and launch it as apk or appxbundle, depending on the platform.

Note: As stated earlier, this option does not work with iOS, due to the restrictions of the operating system.

Open app store

Using the open app store mode, the plugin will open the specified platform's app store, if an update is available.

Note: Additional logic is used for android to determine that only the Google Play store can open the market:// url and no other app that has registered for it.