


<img src=extras/pdftagram.svg width=75px alt="PoC||GTFO's PDFtagram"/> PoC||GTFO 2017-08, 327p

<img src=contents/issue00.png width=75px alt="issue 00"/> <img src=contents/issue01.png width=75px alt="issue 01"/> <img src=contents/issue02.png width=75px alt="issue 02"/> <img src=contents/issue03.png width=75px alt="issue 03"/> <img src=contents/issue04.png width=75px alt="issue 04"/> <img src=contents/issue05.png width=75px alt="issue 05"/> <img src=contents/issue06.png width=75px alt="issue 06"/> <img src=contents/issue07.png width=75px alt="issue 07"/>

<img src=extras/glyphsign.svg width=75px alt="Volume II's glyph'"/> Volume II 2018-08, 408p

<img src=contents/issue08.png width=75px alt="issue 08"/> <img src=contents/issue09.png width=75px alt="issue 09"/> <img src=contents/issue10.jpg width=75px alt="issue 10"/> <img src=contents/issue11.jpg width=75px alt="issue 11"/> <img src=contents/issue12.jpg width=75px alt="issue 12"/> <img src=contents/issue13.png width=75px alt="issue 13"/>

Volume III 2021-01, 800p

<img src=contents/issue14.png width=75px alt="issue 14"/> <img src=contents/issue15.jpg width=75px alt="issue 15"/> <img src=contents/issue16.jpg width=75px alt="issue 16"/> <img src=contents/issue17.jpg width=75px alt="issue 17"/> <img src=contents/issue18.png width=75px alt="issue 18"/>


<img src=contents/issue19.png width=75px alt="issue 19"/> <img src=contents/issue20.png width=75px alt="issue 20"/> <img src=contents/issue21.png width=75px alt="issue 21"/>




<img src=extras/pdftagram.svg width=100px alt="PoC||GTFO's PDFtagram"/> Buy


pocorgtfo00.pdf c4d1d109..98f7ab64 polyglot: PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Call to Worship (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. Ipod Antiforensics (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  3. ELFs are dorky, elves are cool (article, in issue, archive.org) by Sergey Bratus, Julian Bangert
  4. The Pastor Manul Laphroaig's First Epistle to Hacker Preachers of All Hats, in the sincerest hope that we might shut up about hats, and get back to hacking. (article, in issue, archive.org)
  5. Returning from ELF to Libc (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rebecca "Bx" Shapiro
  6. GTFO or #FAIL (article, in issue, archive.org) by FX of Phenoelit
  7. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue00.png width=200px alt="An epistle from the desk of Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig"/>


pocorgtfo01.pdf a0f93a26..36c2cc88 polyglot: ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Call to Worship (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. Four Lines of Javascript that Can't Possibly Work So why do they? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Dan Kaminsky
  3. Weird Machines from Serena Butler's TV Typewriter (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  4. Making a Multi-Windows PE (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  5. This ZIP is also a PDF (article, in issue, archive.org) by Julia Wolf
  6. Burning a Phone (article, in issue, archive.org) by Josh "@m0nk" Thomas
  7. A Sermon concerning the Divinity of Languages; or, Dijkstra considered Racist (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  8. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Preacherman Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue01.png width=200px alt="From the writing desk, not the raven, of Rt. Revd. Preacherman Pastor Manul Laphroaig"/>


pocorgtfo02.pdf f427e8d9..67ca155e polyglot: MBR, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Call to Worship (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. A Parable on the Importance of Tools; or, Build your own fucking birdfeeder. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. A PGP Matryoshka Doll (article, in issue, archive.org) by Brother Myron Aub
  4. Reliable Code Execution on a Tamagotchi (article, in issue, archive.org) by Natalie Silvanovich
  5. Some Shellcode Tips for MSP430 and Related MCUs (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  6. Calling putchar() from an ELF Weird Machine. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rebecca "Bx" Shapiro
  7. POKE of Death for the TRS 80 Model 100 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Dave Weinstein
  8. This OS is also a PDF (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  9. A Vulnerability in Reduced Dakarand from PoC||GTFO 01:02 (article, in issue, archive.org) by joernchen of Phenoelit
  10. Juggernauty (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ben Nagy
  11. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue02.png width=200px alt="Composed by the Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig to put pwnage before politics."/> <img src=contents/issue02mbr.png width=350px alt="Master Boot Record polyglot"/>


pocorgtfo03.pdf 7094f5c6..cb3420e1 polyglot: JPG, AES(PNG), ZIP, AFSK, PDF* (PDF-only)

  1. Call to Worship (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. Greybeard's Luck (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Dr. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. This PDF is a JPEG; or, This Proof of Concept is a Picture of Cats (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  4. NetWatch: System Management Mode is not just for Governments. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Joshua Wise, Jacob Potter
  5. An Advanced Mitigation Bypass for Packet-in-Packet; or, I'm burning 0day to use the phrase 'eighth of a nybble' in print. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  6. Prototyping an RDRAND Backdoor in Bochs (article, in issue, archive.org) by Taylor Hornby
  7. Patching Kosher Firmware for Nokia 2720 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Assaf Nativ, Anonymous
  8. Tetranglix: This Tetris is a Boot Sector (article, in issue, archive.org) by Juhani Haverinen, Owen Shepherd, Shikhin Sethi
  9. Defusing the Qualcomm Dragon (article, in issue, archive.org) by Josh "m0nk" Thomas
  10. Tales of Python's Encoding (article, in issue, archive.org) by Frederik Braun
  11. A Binary Magic Trick, Angecryption (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini, Jean-Philippe Aumasson
  12. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Dr.Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue03.png width=200px alt="AN ADDRESS to the SECRET SOCIETY of POC || GTFO concerning THE GOSPEL OF THE WEIRD MACHINES and also THE SMASHING OF IDOLS TO BITS AND BYTES by the Rt. Revd. Dr. PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG"/> <img src=contents/issue03.jpg width=300px alt="JPG polyglot"/> <img src=contents/issue03aes(png).png width=250px alt="PNG via AngeCryption"/> <img src=contents/issue03audio.png width=400px alt="AFSK raw audio"/>


pocorgtfo04.pdf 1d1567b8..473afd01 polyglot: TrueCrypt, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Call to Worship (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. First Epistle Concerning the Bountiful Seeds of 0Day (article, in issue, archive.org) by Manul Laphroaig
  3. This OS is a Boot Sector (article, in issue, archive.org) by Shikhin Sethi
  4. Prince of PoC; or, A 16-sector version of Prince of Persia for the Apple II. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Peter Ferrie
  5. A Quick Introduction to the New Facedancer Framework (article, in issue, archive.org) by gil
  6. Dumping Firmware from Tamagotchi Friends by Power Glitching (article, in issue, archive.org) by Natalie Silvanovich
  7. Lenticrypt: a Provably Plausibly Deniable Cryptosystem; or, This Picture of Cats is Also a Picture of Dogs (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik
  8. Hardening Pin Tumbler Locks against Myriad Attacks for Less Than a Sawbuck (article, in issue, archive.org) by Deviant Ollam
  9. Introduction to Reflux Decapsulation and Chip Photography (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  10. Forget Not the Humble Timing Attack (article, in issue, archive.org) by Colin O'Flynn
  11. This Encrypted Volume is also a PDF; or, A Polyglot Trick for Bypassing TrueCrypt Volume Detection (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  12. How to Manually Attach a File to a PDF (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  13. Ode to ECB (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ben Nagy
  14. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue04.png width=200px alt="TRACT de la SOCIÉTÉ SECRÈTE de POC || GTFO sur L’ÉVANGILE DES MACHINES ÉTRANGES et autres SUJETS TECHNIQUES par le prédicateur PASTEUR MANUL LAPHROAIG"/> <img src=contents/issue04tc.png width=300px alt="TrueCrypt polyglot"/>


pocorgtfo05.pdf 9623609a..f2c80640 polyglot: ISO, SWF, ZIP, PDF* (PDF-only)

  1. Call to Worship (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. Stuff is broken, and only you know how (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rvd. Dr. Manul Laphroaig
  3. ECB as an Electronic Coloring Book (article, in issue, archive.org) by Philippe Teuwen
  4. An Easter Egg in PCI Express (article, in issue, archive.org) by Jacob Torrey
  5. A Flash PDF Polyglot (article, in issue, archive.org) by Alex Inführ
  6. These Philosophers Stuff on 512 Bytes; or, This Multiprocessing OS is a Boot Sector. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Shikhin Sethi
  7. A Breakout Board for Mini-PCIe; or, My Intel Galileo has less RAM than its Video Card! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Joe FitzPatrick
  8. Prototyping a generic x86 backdoor in Bochs; or, I'll see your RDRAND backdoor and raise you a covert channel! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Matilda
  9. From Protocol to PoC; or, Your Cisco blade is booting PoC||GTFO. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Mik
  10. i386 Shellcode for Lazy Neighbors; or, I am my own NOP Sled. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Brainsmoke
  11. Abusing JSONP with Rosetta Flash (article, in issue, archive.org) by Michele Spagnuolo
  12. A cryptographer and a binarista walk into a bar (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini, Maria Eichlseder
  13. Ancestral Voices Or, a vision in a nightmare. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ben Nagy
  14. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue05.png width=200px alt="PoC || GTFO; addressed to the INHABITANTS of EARTH on the following and other INTERESTING SUBJECTS written for the edification of ALL GOOD NEIGHBORS"/> <img src=contents/issue05iso.png width=200px alt="ISO polyglot"/> <img src=contents/issue05swf.png width=200px alt="Flash polyglot"/>


pocorgtfo06.pdf bf4d8846..1cb8ac26 polyglot: TAR, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Sacrament of Communion with the Weird Machines (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. On Giving Thanks (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Gekko the Dolphin (article, in issue, archive.org) by Fiora
  4. This TAR archive is a PDF! (as well as a ZIP, but you are probably used to it by now, article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  5. x86 Alchemy and Smuggling with Metalkit (article, in issue, archive.org) by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  6. Detecting MIPS Emulation (article, in issue, archive.org) by Craig Heffner
  7. More Cryptographic Coloring Books (article, in issue, archive.org) by Philippe Teuwen
  8. Introduction to Delayering and Reversing PCBs (article, in issue, archive.org) by Joe Grand
  9. Davinci Seal: Self-decrypting Executables (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  10. Observable Metrics (article, in issue, archive.org) by Don A. Bailey, Tamara L. Rhoads, Jaime Cochran
  11. A Call for PoC (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue06.png width=200px alt="PoC || GTFO; brings that OLD TIMEY EXPLOITATION with a WEIRD MACHINE JAMBOREE and our world-famous FUNKY FILE FLEA MARKET not to be ironic, but because WE LOVE THE MUSIC!"/>

$ tar -tvf pocorgtfo06.pdf
-rw-r--r-- Manul/Laphroaig 0 2014-10-06 21:33 %PDF-1.5
-rw-r--r-- Manul/Laphroaig 525849 2014-10-06 21:33 1.png
-rw-r--r-- Manul/Laphroaig 273658 2014-10-06 21:33 2.bmp


pocorgtfo07.pdf 601534f4..15e6a35f polyglot: BPG, HTML, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. With what shall we commune this evening? (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. AA55, the Magic Number (article, in issue, archive.org) by Morgan Reece Phillips
  3. Laser robots! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  4. A Story of Settled Science (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  5. Scapy is for Script Kiddies (article, in issue, archive.org) by Eric Davisson
  6. Funky Files, the Novella! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  7. Extending AES-NI Backdoors (article, in issue, archive.org) by BSDaemon, Pirata
  8. Innovations with Core Files (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  9. Bambaata on NASCAR (article, in issue, archive.org) by Count Bambaata
  10. Public Service Announcement (article, in issue, archive.org)
  11. A Modern Cybercriminal (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ben Nagy
  12. Fast Cash for Bugs! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue07.png width=200px alt="PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG's INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PoC || GTFO CALISTHENICS & ORTHODONTIA IN REMEMBRANCE OF OUR BELOVED DR. DOBB BECAUSE THE WORLD IS ALMOST THROUGH!"/> <img src=contents/issue07bpg.png width=200px alt="BPG payload"/> <img src=contents/issue07html.png width=200px alt="HTML payload"/>

Volume ][

<img src=extras/glyphsign.svg width=100px alt="Volume II's glyph'"/> Buy


pocorgtfo08.pdf 7a942c42..b5654a33 polyglot: Shell, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Please stand; now, please be seated. (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. Witches, Warlocks, and Wassenaar; or, On the Internet, no one knows you are a witch. (article, in issue, archive.org)
  3. Backdoors from Compiler Bugs (article, in issue, archive.org) by Scott Bauer, Pascal Cuoq, John Regehr
  4. A Protocol for Leibowitz (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed, Muur P.
  5. Reprogramming a Mouse Jiggler (article, in issue, archive.org) by Mickey Shkatov
  6. Exploiting an Academic Hypervisor (article, in issue, archive.org) by DJ Capelis, Daniel Bittman
  7. Weaponized Polyglots as Browser Exploits (article, in issue, archive.org) by Saumil Shah
  8. On Error Resume Next for Unix (article, in issue, archive.org) by Jeffball
  9. Sing Along with Toni Brixton (article, in issue, archive.org) by EVM, Tommy Brixton
  10. Backdooring Nothing-Up-My-Sleeve Numbers (article, in issue, archive.org) by Jean-Philippe Aumasson
  11. Building a Wireless CTF (article, in issue, archive.org) by Russell Handorf
  12. Grammatically Correct Encryption (article, in issue, archive.org) by Philippe Teuwen
  13. Fast Cash for Cyber Munitions! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig


$ echo "terrible raccoons achieve their escapades" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -d 4321
good neighbors secure their communications


pocorgtfo09.pdf 8ad70d4d..8502a6ad polyglot: WavPack, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Please stand; now, please be seated. (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. A Sermon on Newton and Turing (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Globalstar Satellite Communications (article, in issue, archive.org) by Colby Moore
  4. Keenly Spraying the Kernel Pools (article, in issue, archive.org) by Peter Hlavaty of Keen Team
  5. The Second Underhanded Crypto Contest (article, in issue, archive.org) by Taylor Hornby
  6. Cross VM Communications (article, in issue, archive.org) by Sophia D'Antoine
  7. Antivirus Tumors (article, in issue, archive.org) by Eric Davisson
  8. A Recipe for TCP/IPA (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ron Fabela of Binary Brew Works
  9. Mischief with AX.25 and APRS (article, in issue, archive.org) by Vogelfrei
  10. Napravi i ti Racunar „Galaksija" (article, in issue, archive.org) by Voja Antonic
  11. Root Rights are a Grrl's Best Friend! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Fbz
  12. What If You Could Listen to This PDF? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Philippe Teuwen
  13. Oona's Puzzle Corner! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Oona Räisänen
  14. Fast Cash for Cyber Munitions! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue09.png width=200px alt="PoC || GTFO PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG’S TABERNACLE CHOIR SINGS REVERENT ELEGIES OF THE SECOND CRYPTO WAR"/> <img src=contents/issue09wv.png width=200px alt="WavPack polyglot"/>


pocorgtfo10.pdf 1e350e30..b295c9de polyglot: LSMV, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Please stand; now, please be seated. (article, in issue, archive.org)
  2. The Small Brown Dog and the Three Ghosts (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Exploiting Pokémon in a Super GameBoy (article, in issue, archive.org) by Allan Cecil (dwangoAC), Ilari Liusvaara (Ilari), Jordan Potter (p4plus2)
  4. Pokéglot! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Allan Cecil (dwangoAC), Ilari Liusvaara (Ilari), Jordan Potter (p4plus2)
  5. Cortex M0 Marionettes with SWD (article, in issue, archive.org) by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  6. Reversing a Pregnancy Test (article, in issue, archive.org) by Amanda Wozniak
  7. Apple II Copy Protections (article, in issue, archive.org) by Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc)
  8. Jailbreaking the TYT MD380 DMR Handheld (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed KK4VCZ, DD4CR, W7PCH
  9. Tithe us your Alms of 0day! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue10.jpg width=200px alt="IN THE THEATER OF LITERATE DISASSEMBLY, PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG AND HIS MERRY BAND OF REVERSE ENGINEERS LIFT THE WELDED HOOD FROM THE ENGINE THAT RUNS THE WORLD!"/> <img src=contents/issue10lsmv.jpg width=200px alt="LSMV payload"/>


pocorgtfo11.pdf 44d56d71..35b04c78 polyglot: RUBY, HTML, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Please stand; now, please be seated. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. In Praise of Junk Hacking (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Emulating Star Wars on a Vector Display (article, in issue, archive.org) by Trammell Hudson
  4. One Boot Sector PoC Deserves Another (article, in issue, archive.org) by Eric Davisson
  5. Defeating E7 Protection on the Apple II Platform (article, in issue, archive.org) by Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc)
  6. Tourist's Phrasebook for the ARM Cortex M (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed, Ryan Speers
  7. Ghetto CFI for X86 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Jeffrey Crowell
  8. Tourist's Guide to the MSP430 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ryan Speers, Travis Goodspeed
  9. The Treachery of Files (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik
  10. Ben "bushing" Byer Memorial (article, in issue, archive.org) by fail0verflow
  11. Tithe us your Alms of 0day! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue11.jpg width=200px alt="IN A FIT OF STUBBORN OPTIMISM, PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG AND HIS CLEVER CREW SET SAIL TOWARD WELCOMING SHORES OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN!"/> <img src=contents/issue11server.png width=200px alt="Ruby server"/>


pocorgtfo12.pdf 441216e4..ff9cf08b polyglot: APK, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Lisez moi! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Surviving the Computation Bomb (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. A Z-Wave Carol (article, in issue, archive.org) by Chris Badenhop, Ben Ramsey
  4. Comma Chameleon (article, in issue, archive.org) by Krzysztof Kotowicz, Gábor Molnár
  5. Putting the VM in M/o/Vfuscator (article, in issue, archive.org) by Chris Domas
  6. A JCL Adventure with Network Job Entries (article, in issue, archive.org) by Soldier of Fortran
  7. Shellcode Hash Collisions (article, in issue, archive.org) by Mike Myers, Evan Sultanik
  8. UMPOwn; A Symphony of Win10 Privilege (article, in issue, archive.org) by Alex Ionescu
  9. VIM Execution Engine (article, in issue, archive.org) by Chris Domas
  10. Doing Right by Neighbor O'Hara (article, in issue, archive.org) by Andreas Bogk
  11. Are Androids Polyglots? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Philippe Teuwen
  12. Tithe us your Alms of 0day! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue12.jpg width=200px alt="COLLECTING BOTTLES OF BROKEN THINGS, PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG WITH THEORY AND PRAXIS COULD BE THE MAN WHO SNEAKS A LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!"/> <img src=contents/issue12apk.png width=150px alt="APK polyglot install"/> <img src=contents/issue12apk2.png width=150px alt="APK polyglot screen"/>


pocorgtfo13.pdf c881c675..69b0a3f5 polyglot: PS, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Read me if you want to live! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Reverse Engineering Star Raiders (article, in issue, archive.org) by Lorenz Wiest
  3. How Slow Can You Go? (article, in issue, archive.org) by James Forshaw
  4. The FaceWhisperer for USB Glitching; or, Reading RFID with ROP and a Wacom Tablet (article, in issue, archive.org) by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  5. Decoding AMBE+2 in MD380 Firmware in Linux (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed KK4VCZ
  6. Password Weaknesses in Physical Security: Silliness in Three Acts (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik
  7. Reverse Engineering the LoRa PHY (article, in issue, archive.org) by Matt Knight
  8. Plumbing, not Popper; or, the Problem with STEP (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  9. Where is ShimDBC.exe? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Geoff Chappell
  10. Post Scriptum: A Schizophrenic Ghost (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik, Philippe Teuwen
  11. Tithe us your Alms of 0day! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue13.png width=200px alt="PASTOR LAPHROAIG'S MERCY SHIP HOLDS STONES FROM THE IVORY TOWER, BUT ONLY AS BALLAST!"/> <img src=contents/issue13ps.png width=300px alt="PostScript polyglot"/>

Volume III



pocorgtfo14.pdf 5eaf00d..b126746c polyglot: iNES*, ZIP, PDF* -- MD5 *hashquines + collision (PDF-only)

  1. Let us share some water (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Z-Ring Phreaking from a Gameboy (article, in issue, archive.org) by Vicki Pfau
  3. Concerning Desert Studies, Cyberwar, and the Desert Power (article, in issue, archive.org) by Naib Manul Laphroaig
  4. Flush+Reload Side-Channel Attacks (article, in issue, archive.org) by Taylor Hornby
  5. Anti-Keylogging with Random Noise (article, in issue, archive.org) by Mike Myers
  6. Random NOPs on ARM (article, in issue, archive.org) by Niek Timmers, Albert Spruyt
  7. Routing Ethernet over GDB and SWD for Glitching (article, in issue, archive.org) by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  8. Control Panel Vulnerabilities (article, in issue, archive.org) by Geoff Chappell
  9. Postscript that shows its own MD5 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Gregor "Greg" Kopf
  10. A PDF That Shows Its Own MD5 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Mako
  11. This GIF shows its own MD5! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Kristoffer "spq" Janke
  12. This PDF is an NES ROM that prints its own MD5 hash! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik, Evan Teran
  13. Tithe us your Alms of 0day! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue14.png width=200px alt="PASTOR LAPHROAIG SCREAMS HIGH FIVE TO THE HEAVENS AS THE WHOLE WORLD GOES UNDER (480 collisions hashquine)"/> <img src=contents/issue14alt.png width=200px alt="alt cover (1 collision)"/> <img src=contents/issue14nes.png width=200px alt="NES polyglot (128 collisions hashquine)"/>


pocorgtfo15.pdf c9b3f502..35815bf4 polyglot: ILDA, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. There's no excuse for not knowing. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Pier Solar and the Great Reverser (article, in issue, archive.org) by Brandon L. Wilson
  3. That car by the bear ain't got no fire; or, A Sermon on Alternators, Voltmeters, and Debugging (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  4. Text2COM Silver Jubilee Edition (article, in issue, archive.org) by Saumil Shah, Udayan Shah
  5. RISC-V Shellcode (article, in issue, archive.org) by Don A. Bailey
  6. Gumball (article, in issue, archive.org) by 4am, Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc)
  7. In Which a PDF is a Git Repository Containing its own LATEX Source and a Copy of Itself (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik
  8. Zero Overhead Networking (article, in issue, archive.org) by Robert Graham
  9. Detecting Emulation with MIPS16 Delay Slots (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ryan Speers, Travis Goodspeed
  10. Windows Kernel Race Condition Analysis While Accessing User-mode Data (article, in issue, archive.org) by BSDaemon, NadavCh
  11. X86 is Turing-Complete without Data Fetches (article, in issue, archive.org) by Chris Domas
  12. Nail in the Java Key Store Coffin (article, in issue, archive.org) by Tobias "Floyd" Ospelt
  13. The Gamma Trick: Two PNGs for the price of one (article, in issue, archive.org) by Hector Martin 'marcan'
  14. Laphroaig's Home for Unwanted Polyglots and 0day (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue15.jpg width=200px alt="I SLIPPED A LITTLE BUT LAPHROAIG WAS THERE WITH A HELPING HAND, A NIFTY IDEA, AND TWO LITERS OF COFFEE"/> <img src=contents/issue15ilda.jpg width=200px alt="ILDA polyglot"/>


pocorgtfo16.pdf 10f0cb97..151ed0a3 polyglot: Bash (python, WebIDE), ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Sapere aude! Or, do you have a moment to talk about Enlightenment? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Saving My '97 Chevy by Hacking It (article, in issue, archive.org) by Brandon L. Wilson
  4. Bars of Brass or Wafer Thin Security? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Deviant Ollam
  5. Fast Cash for Useless Bugs! (article, in issue, archive.org) by EA
  6. The Adventure of the Fragmented Chunks (article, in issue, archive.org) by Yannay Livneh
  7. Extracting the Game Boy Advance BIOS ROM through the Execution of Unmapped Thumb Instructions (article, in issue, archive.org) by Maribel Hearn
  8. Naming Network Interfaces (article, in issue, archive.org) by Cornelius Diekmann
  9. Code Golf and Obfuscation with Genetic Algorithm Based Symbolic Regression (article, in issue, archive.org) by JBS
  10. Locating Return Addresses via High Entropy Stack Canaries (article, in issue, archive.org) by Matt Davis
  11. Rescuing Orphans and their Parents with Rules of Thumb2 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed KK4VCZ
  12. This PDF is a Shell Script That Runs a Python Webserver That Serves a Scala-Based JavaScript Compiler With an HTML5 Hex Viewer; or, Reverse Engineer Your Own Damn Polyglot (article, in issue, archive.org) by Evan Sultanik
  13. Laphroaig’s Home for Unwanted Polyglots and 0day (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue16.jpg width=200px alt="PASTOR LAPHROAIG RACES THE RUNTIME RELINKER AND OTHER TRUE TALES OF CLEVERNESS AND CRAFT"/> <img src=contents/issue16server.png width=200px alt="Bash+python+Kaitai payload"/> <img src=contents/issue16server2.png width=200px alt="splash screen"/>


pocorgtfo17.pdf 40b89855..99d59c97 polyglot: Apollo Guidance Computer, ZIP, PDF (PDF-only)

  1. I thought I turned it on, but I didn't. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Constructing AES-CBC Shellcode (article, in issue, archive.org) by Albert Spruyt, Niek Timmers
  3. In the Company of Rogues: Pastor Laphroaig's Tall Tales of Science and of Fiction (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  4. Sniffing BTLE with the Micro:Bit (article, in issue, archive.org) by Damien Cauquil
  5. Up close and personal with Ethernet. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Andrew D. Zonenberg
  6. The DIP Flip Whixr Trick: An Integrated Circuit That Functions in Either Orientation (article, in issue, archive.org) by Joe "Kingpin" Grand
  7. Injecting shared objects on FreeBSD with libhijack. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Shawn Webb
  8. Murder on the USS Table (article, in issue, archive.org) by Soldier of Fortran
  9. Protecting ELF Files by Infecting Them (article, in issue, archive.org) by Leandro "acidx" Pereira
  10. Laphroaig's Home for Unwanted Polyglots and 0day (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue17.jpg width=200px alt="It's damned cold outside, so let's light ourselves a fire! warm ourselves with whiskey! and teach ourselves some tricks!"/> <img src=contents/issue17agc.png width=200px alt="AGC polyglot"/>


pocorgtfo18.pdf 191b636f..aa2b7df5 polyglot: HTML* PDF* ZIP -- *SHA-1 collision (PDF-only)

  1. I thought I turned it on, but I didn't. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. An 8 Kilobyte Mode 7 Demo for the Apple II (article, in issue, archive.org) by Vincent M. Weaver
  3. Fun Memory Corruption Exploits for Kids with Scratch! (article, in issue, archive.org) by KevSheldrake
  4. Concealing ZIP Files in NES Cartridges (article, in issue, archive.org) by Vi Grey
  5. House of Fun; or, Heap Exploitation against GlibC in 2018 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Yannay Livneh
  6. RelroS: Read Only Relocations for Static ELF (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  7. A Trivial Exploit for TetriNET; or, Update Player TranslateMessage to LevelShellcode. (article, in issue, archive.org) by John Laky, Kyle Hanslovan
  8. A Guide to KLEE LLVM execution engine internals (article, in issue, archive.org) by Julien Vanegue
  9. Memory Scrambling on Intel Sandy Bridge DDR3 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Nico Heijningen
  10. Easy SHA-1 Colliding PDFs with PDFLaTeX. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  11. Bring out your dead! Bugs, that is. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue18.png width=200px alt="Pastor Manul Laphroaig's Montessori Soldering School and Stack Smashing Academy for Youngsters Gifted and Not"/> <img src=contents/issue18alt.png width=200px alt="SHA-1 collision cover"/>



pocorgtfo19.pdf 891b6c4e..85713464 polyglot: HTML PDF* ZIP -- *MD5 pileup: PE/PDF/PNG/MP4 (PDF-only)

  1. Let’s start a band together! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Of Coal and Iron (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. On CSV Injection and RFC 5322 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Jeff Dileo
  4. Undefining the ARM (article, in issue, archive.org) by Eric Davisson
  5. An MD5 Pileup (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini, Marc Stevens
  6. Selectively Exceptional UTF8 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed, Ryan Speers
  7. Never Fret that Unobtainium (article, in issue, archive.org) by Matthew Peters
  8. Steganography in .ICO Files (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rodger Allen
  9. The Pages of PoC||GTFO (article, in issue, archive.org) by Dr. evm and the MMX Show
  10. Vector Multiplication as an IPC Primitive (article, in issue, archive.org) by Lorenzo Benelli
  11. Camelus Documentum: A PDF with Two Humps (article, in issue, archive.org) by Gabriel ‘Drup’ Radanne
  12. Inside the Emulator of Windows Defender (article, in issue, archive.org) by Alexei Bulazel
  13. What clever things have you learned lately? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue19.png width=200px alt="This lonely old piano has a few more tunes! And so do you! And so do I!"/> <img src=contents/issue19png.png width=200px alt="PNG colliding image (a pileup diagram)"/> <img src=contents/issue19mp4.png width=200px alt="MP4 colliding video (a car near-collision)"/> <img src=contents/issue19pe.png width=200px alt="PE colliding executable (a PDF viewer)"/> <img src=contents/issue19html.png width=200px alt="HTML payload to switch prefixes"/>

Behind the scenes writeup


pocorgtfo20.pdf 4aeb48b5..b2fcd25f polyglot: PDF, ZIP -- Signed (PDF-only)

  1. Let's start a band together! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. Let's Build a Geniza from the world's Flash Memory! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. NFC Exploitation with the RF430RFL152 and 'TAL152 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed, Axelle Apvrille
  4. Turtles All the Way Down (article, in issue, archive.org) by Charles Mangin
  5. An Arbitrary Read Exploit for Ryzenfall (article, in issue, archive.org) by David Kaplan
  6. A Short History of TI Calculator Hacks (article, in issue, archive.org) by Brandon L. Wilson
  7. Modern ELF Infection Techniques of SCOP Binaries (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  8. Encryption is Not Integrity! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Cornelius Diekmann
  9. RSA GTFO (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ben Perez
  10. A Code Pirate’s Cutlass: Recovering Software Architecture from Embedded Binaries (article, in issue, archive.org) by EVM
  11. What clever things have you learned lately? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue20.png width=200px alt="Grab gifts from the genizah, reading every last page! And write in their margins! And give them all again!"/>

$ pdfsig pocorgtfo20.pdf
Digital Signature Info of: pocorgtfo20.pdf
Signature #1:
  - Signer Certificate Common Name: TI-83 Plus Silver Edition OS Signing Key
  - Signer full Distinguished Name: CN=TI-83 Plus Silver Edition OS Signing Key
  - Signing Time: Jan 21 2020 19:28:53
  - Signing Hash Algorithm: SHA1
  - Signature Type: adbe.pkcs7.sha1
  - Signed Ranges: [0 - 39897127], [39898675 - 39903679]
  - Total document signed
  - Signature Validation: Signature is Valid.
  - Certificate Validation: Certificate issuer isn't Trusted.


pocorgtfo21.pdf da91fb4a..e87684ae polyglot: PCAPNG, PDF, ZIP -- (PDF-only)

  1. Don’t give up on your library card! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. A Tale of Glavlit and Samizdat (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Spoofing IP with IPIP (article, in issue, archive.org) by Yannay Livneh
  4. Anti-debugging tips and tricks for Cortex-M microcontrollers (article, in issue, archive.org) by Balda
  5. Symgrate: A Web API for Thumb2 Symbol Recovery (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed, EVM
  6. Reversing the Fairplay 710 Baseball Scoreboard (article, in issue, archive.org) by EVM
  7. A Tourist's Guide to Altera NIOS (article, in issue, archive.org) by Christopher Hewitt
  8. An Electromechanical Telephone Exchange (article, in issue, archive.org) by Anonymous
  9. An ELF Palindrome for AMD64 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Netspooky
  10. BootNoodle: A Palindromic Bootloader for BGGP (article, in issue, archive.org) by Harvey Phillips
  11. Windrose Fingerprinting of Code Architecture (article, in issue, archive.org) by EVM
  12. NSA's Backdoor of the PX1000-Cr (article, in issue, archive.org) by Stefan Marsiske
  13. Solving the Load Address; or, Fixing Useless Firmware Disassembly (article, in issue, archive.org) by EVM
  14. Counting words with a state machine. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Robert Graham
  15. Never say ‘no’ to adventures. (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue21.png width=200px alt="Notebook of Altera NIOS Disassembly, Routable IPIP Spoofing, PCAP-NG Polyglots, Weird Machinery, Code Golfing, and UHF-VHF TUNERS"/>

>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> pcap = defrag(rdpcap("pocorgtfo21.pdf"))
>>> for packet in pcap:
...     packet.show()
0000 Ether / IP / UDP / DNS Qry "b'a2862978690.com.'"
0000 Ether / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / ... / > 4 / Raw


pocorgtfo22.pdf 8fcda8f6..0c720fb6 polyglot: ISO, ZIP, PDF mock: TAR, DICOM, XMS, PIF... -- (PDF-only)

  1. Need something good to read, my good neighbor? (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. A Mask ROM Bit Extraction Tool (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  3. Mitra and Mocky: Near-polyglots and Mocks (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  4. More Letters from Screwtape (article, in issue, archive.org) by Wormwood
  5. Inside out; or, Abusing archive file formats (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini
  6. Mitigations are a reverser's friend; or, Abusing XFG (article, in issue, archive.org) by Aleksandar Nikolic
  7. Timecryption, OTP with Near-polyglots (article, in issue, archive.org) by Ange Albertini, Stefan Kölbl
  8. The Электроника MK-51 is a Casio fx-2500 (article, in issue, archive.org) by Travis Goodspeed
  9. A Tourist's Guide to Reversing Renesas M16C and the R8C, too! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Christopher Hewitt, Niccolò Izzo
  10. A Tourist's Guide to Эльбрус (article, in issue, archive.org) by EVM
  11. Janus Polyglot (article, in issue, archive.org) by Harvey Phillips
  12. Let's bide our time for a brand new adventure! (article, in issue, archive.org) by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

<img src=contents/issue22.jpg width=200px alt="Through desert & wilderness, Laphroaig reaches great heights from the deepest of depths."/>

$ file pocorgtfo22.pdf
pocorgtfo22.pdf: tar archive
$ file pocorgtfo22.pdf --keep-going --raw
pocorgtfo22.pdf: tar archive
- DR-DOS executable (COM)
- Windows Program Information File for 145
- MAR Area Detector Image,
- Linux kernel x86 boot executable RW-rootFS,
- XMS Adlib Module Composer: "%PDF-1.5"
- Files-11 On-Disk Structure (ODS-0); volume label is [...]
- DOS/MBR boot sector
- Nintendo DS ROM image: "%PDF-1.5" (\305\3, Rev.103)
- Plot84 plotting file DOS/MBR boot sector
- Kodak Photo CD image pack file , landscape mode
- PDF document, version 1.5
- Old EZD Electron Density Map
- 4-channel Fasttracker module sound data Title: "%PDF-1.5"
- Scream Tracker Sample adlib drum mono 16bit little endian
- SoundFX Module sound file
- Unix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian), last mounted on , [...]
- DICOM medical imaging data
- Linux Software RAID version 1.2 (0) UUID=       [...]
- CCP4 Electron Density Map
- VirtualBox Disk Image (%PDF-1.5), 5715999566798081280 bytes
- IBM OS/400 save file data
- data
$ trid pocorgtfo22.pdf

Collecting data from file: pocorgtfo22.pdf
 34.8% (.PIF) Program Information File (Windows) (7515/1/1)
 23.1% (.PDF) Adobe Portable Document Format (5000/1)
 20.8% (.XMS) XMS-Tracker module (4509/1/1)
 11.7% (.ISO) ISO 9660 CD image (2545/36/1)
  9.2% (.DCM/DIC/DICOM) DICOM medical imaging bitmap (2004/1/1)


<img src=extras/pdftagram.svg width=200px alt="PoC||GTFO's PDFtagram"></img> PoC||GTFO's PDFtagram png svg

<img src=extras/glyphsign.svg width=200px alt="Volume II's Glyph of the Dead"></img> Volume II's Glyph of the Dead png svg

<img src=extras/crest.png width=200px alt="Pastor Manul Laphroaig's Montessori Soldering School and Stack Smashing Academy for Youngsters Gifted and Not"></img> School crest png pdf

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