Leaven: Compile LLVM IR to Go
Leaven translates LLVM intermediate representation to Go. In theory, it should be able to transpile any language that has an LLVM-based compiler to Go. But so far I’ve only used it for C.
Each LLVM instruction is translated to an equivalent statement in Go. This produces very verbose code; if you are looking for a tool that will convert a C codebase into maintainable Go, Leaven isn’t it.
But it does allow you to call C code from Go without using CGo. And I am hoping that it can produce a working Go translation of a program, which will be a good starting point for incrementally re-translating it (probably by hand) into idiomatic Go.
This software is incomplete and experimental. It does not support nearly all LLVM instructions.
The transpiler at produces much better results (but it is not as automatic).
Usage Example
(Translating strcmp
from musl libc.)
$ cat strcmp.c
#include <string.h>
int strcmp(const char *l, const char *r)
for (; *l==*r && *l; l++, r++);
return *(unsigned char *)l - *(unsigned char *)r;
$ clang -S -emit-llvm -fno-discard-value-names strcmp.c
$ leaven strcmp.ll
$ goimports -w strcmp.go
$ cat strcmp.go
package main
import "unsafe"
func strcmp(l *byte, r *byte) int32 {
var l_addr, r_addr **byte
var v0, v2, v4, v7, incdec_ptr, v8, incdec_ptr4, v9, v11 *byte
var cmp, tobool, v6 bool
var v1, v3, v5, v10, v12 byte
var conv, conv1, conv3, conv5, conv6, sub int32
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = l_addr, r_addr, v0, v1, conv, v2, v3, conv1, cmp, v4, v5, conv3, tobool, v6, v7, incdec_ptr, v8, incdec_ptr4, v9, v10, conv5, v11, v12, conv6, sub
l_addr = new(*byte)
r_addr = new(*byte)
*l_addr = l
*r_addr = r
goto for_cond
v0 = *l_addr
v1 = *v0
conv = int32(int8(v1))
v2 = *r_addr
v3 = *v2
conv1 = int32(int8(v3))
cmp = conv == conv1
if cmp {
goto land_rhs
} else {
v6 = false
goto land_end
v4 = *l_addr
v5 = *v4
conv3 = int32(int8(v5))
tobool = conv3 != 0
v6 = tobool
goto land_end
if v6 {
goto for_body
} else {
goto for_end
goto for_inc
v7 = *l_addr
incdec_ptr = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v7)) + 1*unsafe.Sizeof(*(*byte)(nil))))
*l_addr = incdec_ptr
v8 = *r_addr
incdec_ptr4 = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v8)) + 1*unsafe.Sizeof(*(*byte)(nil))))
*r_addr = incdec_ptr4
goto for_cond
v9 = *l_addr
v10 = *v9
conv5 = int32(uint32(v10))
v11 = *r_addr
v12 = *v11
conv6 = int32(uint32(v12))
sub = conv5 - conv6
return sub