


django-markov is a reusable Django app that enables you to create Markov text models, and store them in the database. Those models can then be used to generate Markov chain sentences. It relies on the excellent markovify by Jeremy Singer-Vine and spacy.

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This project is extracted from django-quotes. Once I realized I needed it for another project, but without the quotes, I spent an afternoon splitting it out.


Using pip:

python -m pip install django-markov

Using uv:

python -m uv pip install django-markov

This will install the app and all its dependencies but you will still need to download a trained language model.

python -m spacy download en-core-web-trf

Then add the application and its dependency to your Django settings file, and optionally configure the corpus size limit.


# Limit the total size of the corpus. This will result in
# sentences that are less likely to be sensible, but will improve
# performance when loading the compiled model from the database.
# Use 0 for no limit, or specify a character limit.

# Compile text models by default when writing to database.
# Compiled models are significantly more performant when
# generating sentences, but they cannot be chained with other
# model without parsing the entire corpus again.
# What's best will depend on your use case. If you don't intend
# to combine multiple models, you'll want this set to True.

# Specify a state size for generated models. State size is the
# number of words the probability of a next word depends on.
# The default for the markovify library is 2.
# NOTE: models with different state sizes cannot be combined
# with one another. If you change this setting after creating
# models, you should regenerate them with their original corpus.

Then run migrations as usual.

python manage.py migrate


To use, create a model object, and supply it with a corpus of text. This library can be used both in sync and async modes. It follows the Django convention that async methods have the "a" prefix to their names, e.g. MarkovTextModel.update_model_from_corpus and MarkovTextModel.aupdate_model_from_corpus.

The examples below use the async methods, which are recommended as compiling or loading a large corpus can be a longer operation.

from django_markov.models import MarkovTextModel

async def create_my_text_model() -> MarkovTextModel:
    # Create the model object in the database.
    text_model = await MarkovTextModel.objects.acreate()
    # Feed it a corpus of text to build the model.
    # More is better, and you'll get the best results if you ensure
    # the sentences in your inputs are well punctuated.
    await text_model.aupdate_model_from_corpus(
            "My name is Inigo Montoya",
            "You killed my father.",
            "Prepare to die.",
        char_limit=0,  # Unlimited
    return text_model

You can also later add to that model with new entries, as long as you haven't stored it in a compiled state.

from django_markov.models import MarkovTextModel

my_markov_model_instance = MarkovTextModel.objects.first()
        "I like burgers and fries.",
        "I once ate a pickle larger than my hand.",

Once you have a model initialized, you can have it generate a sentence. For example, say that you have a text model in your database already, and you want a sentence generated.

from django_markov.models import MarkovTextModel

async def sentence(text_model: MarkovTextModel, char_limit: int) -> str | None:
    # If the model has no data it will return None instead of a str.
    return await text_model.agenerate_sentence(char_limit=char_limit)

Every time a sentence is generated the sentence_generated signal will be emitted. You can use this for things like collecting stats, creating an ongoing log of output, etc. The signal will have the kwargs of:

from django_markov.models import MarkovTextModel, sentence_generated

text_model = MarkovTextModel.objects.create()

    sentence="Life is stranger than a monkey riding a unicycle.",


Pull requests and improvements are welcome! First, familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct. You will need to agree to abide by this to have your contribution included.

To enable debug mode, add the following environment variable using .envrc for direnv, a .env file or similar.

export DJANGO_DEBUG="True"

We use just and Rye to manage our project. If you don't already have just installed, follow the directions on their project page.

Then run our setup command.

just bootstrap

It will do the following for you:

Our Justfile can handle a lot of the admin tasks for you without having to worry about whether you've activated your venv. To see all the commands you can run just help.

For example, to access Django functions such as makemigrations, run:

just manage makemigrations django_markov

To run the test suite:

just test

Then make your changes and commit as usual. Any change made to the behavior or logic should also include tests, and updated documentation. Pull requests must also pass all the pre-commit checks in order to be merged.

Once you've finished making all your changes, open a pull request and I'll review it as soon as I can.