


jrnl is a simple static site generator. It takes posts and pages written in Markdown, transforms them to HTML, and copies those HTML files over to a remote. Unlike most other static site generators jrnl does not serve the content it generates.

Quick start

First clone the repository and run the make.sh script to build jrnl.

$ git clone https://github.com/andrewpillar/jrnl
$ cd jrnl && ./make.sh

This will produced a jrnl binary in the bin directory. Copy this file into your $PATH,

$ cp bin/jrnl ~/go/bin

Once installed you can create a new jrnl by running jrnl init.

$ jrnl init my-blog

this will initialize everything you need within the my-blog directory. If you do not pass an argument to this command then the jrnl will be initialized in the current directory.

We can now change into the new directory and start creating posts with the jrnl post command.

$ jrnl post "Introducing jrnl"

this will cause jrnl to drop you into a text editor, as specified via $EDITOR for editing the newly created post. You will notice at the top of the post is a block of YAML with a handful of attributes. This is called front matter, and contains meta-data about the post. For now let's set the layout attribute to post, and write up the post's content.

title: Introducing jrnl
layout: post
createdAt: 2001-01-02T15:04
updatedAt: 2001-01-02T15:04
jrnl is a simple static site generator.

Now that we have written up our post the next thing we need to do is created a layout for our post. Above we specified the layout for our post via the layout property in the front matter. Now we need to create that layout file for jrnl to use during publishing. All layout files in jrnl are stored in the _layouts directory. So let's create a layout file, here's what one could look like:

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

Nothing too specield here, just some basic HTML. Layout files in jrnl utilize Go's text/template library for templating. As you can see we are placing the post's title and body into the HTML.

So we have a post and a layout file. Next let's set a title for our jrnl. We can do this by running jrnl config and by specifying the site.title key.

$ jrnl config site.title "My Blog"

Now, before we can publish our jrnl we need to set a remot. A remote can either be a local filesystem path, or a remote SCP URL for copying the HTML files to. To keep things simple lets just use a local filesystem path for now.

$ jrnl config site.remote /tmp/blog-remote
$ jrnl publish

If we peform an ls on the /tmp/blog-remote path we specified, we should see the directory populated with some files generated from jrnl.

$ ls /tmp/blog-remote
2006 assets

And there is our site. Not much right now, just and empty assets directory and a path pointing to our published post which we can now view in a browser.

$ firefox 2006/01/02/introducing-jrnl/index.html

Initializing jrnl

jrnl can be initialized by running jrnl init. If this command is provided an argument then jrnl will be initialized in the given directory. Otherwise jrnl is initialized in the current directory.

$ jrnl init my-blog

Directory structure

A jrnl is structured like so,

├── _data
├── _layouts
├── _pages
├── _posts
├── _site
|   └── assets
├── _themes
└── jrnl.toml

Pages and posts

jrnl has two types of content, pages and posts. A page is a simple content type, it is made up of a title, a layout, and a body. Pages are created with the jrnl page comman. This takes the title of the page to be created as its only argument.

$ jrnl page About

Posts are similar to pages in how they are created. The main different is that posts can be categorized, and contain meta-data about when that post was created, and updated.

$ jrnl post "Introducing jrnl"

Whenever a page or post is created, or edited jrnl will open up the source Markdown f ile in the editor that you have set via the $EDITOR environment variable. Upon creation of a new page or post the source Markdown file will be pre-populated with some front matter whcih will store some meta-data about the page or post.

All of the posts and pages that have been created can be viewed with the jrnl ls command.

$ jrnl ls

These IDs can be passed to jrnl edit or jrnl rm for modification or removal respectively.


jrnl allows for posts to be stored in categories, and sub-categories. To add a post to a category simply pass the -c flag to the jrnl post command,

$ jrnl post -c "TV Shows / The Leftovers" "Penguin One, Us Zero"

this will store the Markdown file in a sub-directory beneath the _posts directory.

├── _posts
|   └── tv-shows
|       └── the-leftovers
|           └── penguin-one-us-zero.md

Under the hood categories are nothing more than additional directories to store posts in.

Front matter

Front matter is a block of YAML that sits at the top of each page or post in the Markdown source file. It contains meta-data about the pieve of content being modified. The front matter can vary between pages and posts in regards to what it strores, but both types of content will have a title and layout property.


Layouts are text files that define how a page or post will look once published. jrnl uses Go's text/template library for templating. When jrnl has been initialized the _layouts directory will be empty, it will be up to you to create the necessary layout files. Below is an example layout file for a post:

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

All layout files will have access to the .Site value. This value allows for retrieving the title, authorship, categories, and pages in the jrnl.

    {{range $i, $p := .Site.Pages}}
        <li><a href="{{$p.Href}}">{{$p.Title}}</a></li>

    {{range $i, $c := .Site.Categories}}
        <li><a href="{{$c.Href}}">{{$c.Name}}</a></li>

The layout used by a page will be passed the .Page value, and the layout used by a post will be passed the .Post value.

You will also have access to the partial function within a layout file. This allows you to create re-usable parts of a layout. The partial function takes the name of the layout file to include followed by the data to passthrough.

{{partial "categories" .Site.Categories}}


jrnl can generate an index.html file at the root of the _site directory that will list all of the posts created. One can also be created for each category that will list each of the category's posts.

To have these index files created, simply specify an index layout file to use in the _layouts directory. Use index for the _site/index.html file, and category-index for a category specific index.html file.


Themes in jrnl are just a tarball of the _layouts directory, and the _site/assets directory. The current theme being used is stored in the jrnl.toml configuration file. You can check to see if a theme is in use by running jrnl theme.

$ jrnl theme

Creating or saving a theme is done with jrnl theme save. If no argument is given then it will overwrite the current theme in use, otherwise it will create a new theme with the given name.

Themes can be set by running the jrnl theme use command, and passing it the name of the theme you wish to use.

All available themes can be listed with jrnl theme ls, and themes can be deleted with jrnl theme rm.


Each jrnl has a remote. A remote is where the contents of the _site directory is copied to. This can either be a location on disk, or an SCP URL. The remote can be set via jrnl config site.remote and is stored in the jrnl.toml file.

$ jrnl config site.remote me@andrewpillar.com:/var/www/andrewpillar.com


To publish a jrnl simply run jrnl publish. This will transform all of the modified Markdown pages and posts into HTML, and generate the necessary index.html files before copying them to the remote.

$ jrnl publish

Drafts can be published by setting the -d flag. This will only produce the HTML files instead of copying them over.

Each page and post that is published will be written to the _data/hash file. This is used to determine which pages and posts should be copied to the remote based on whether they have been modified.

Atom and RSS feeds

Atom and RSS feeds can be generated by passing the -a and -r flags to the jrnl publish command. Each of these flags will take a path to the file where you would like the feed to be written,

$ jrnl publish -a _site/atom.xml -r _site/rss.xml