


Import information from Google Sheets into Framer.


Add it to your Framer Studio project


How to use it

Getting started is pretty easy. Follow the instructions above to install the module. You'll also need a Google Sheets document to import. Here's how to set up your sheet:

Go up to the File menu and pick Publish to the web. Fiddle with the options, then click Start publishing. A URL will appear, something like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sbyMINQHPsJctjAtMW0lCfLrcpMqoGMOJj6AN-sNQrc/pubhtml (of course, it might look a little different).

In the example URL above, you're interested in the key, which is between the /d/ and /pubhtml, so 1sbyMINQHPsJctjAtMW0lCfLrcpMqoGMOJj6AN-sNQrc. Copy this value.

In your Framer project, instantiate a new instance in your project:

{ Sheet } = require 'sheet'

sheet = new Sheet
	key: '1sbyMINQHPsJctjAtMW0lCfLrcpMqoGMOJj6AN-sNQrc'

Now, to actually GET the data from your sheet, call the get method:

sheet.get((data, sheet) ->
  print data

...which should print an array of objects (a collection) like...

» [{Name:"Carrot", Category:"Vegetable", Healthiness:"Adequate"},
  {Name:"Pork Shoulder", Category:"Meat", Healthiness:"Questionable"},
  {Name:"Bubblegum", Category:"Candy", Healthiness:"Super High"}]

Pretty cool, huh? You'll see in the example project, I've used Lodash's map to split the collection into rows which and cells for a table.

sheet.get((data, sheet) ->
	_.map data, (row, i) ->
		@row = new Layer
			name: 'row'
			parent: table
#     ...

    @name = new Layer
			html: row.Name
			name: "cell:#{row.Name}"
			parent: @row
#     ...

This is only the beginning...what else can you think to do?

More information

This module makes use of Tabletop.js for the heavy lifting. For more information, check out their documentation, including a section on how to format your Google Sheet.