

Passport SecureLogin

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A Passport strategy and Express middleware for SecureLogin authentication.

What Is SecureLogin?

SecureLogin is a decentralized authentication protocol for websites and apps. Classic passwords/2FA are poorly designed, hard to backup and inconvenient to use. SecureLogin is an all-in-one solution that creates a cryptographic private key from your email and master password to sign in everywhere and helps you forget about passwords.

Learn more about SecureLogin here.

This module provides a set of useful tools to develop Node.js apps that use the SecureLogin protocol. You can easily provide authentication by using the Passport strategy, and confirm important actions using the included Express middleware. See usage below.


Authentication with Passport

Use the SecureLogin strategy as you would any other Passport strategy. It's super easy. Here's how you would get it set up:

passport.use(new SecureLogin.Strategy({ domains: 'http://c.dev:3001' }));

app.post('/login', passport.authenticate('securelogin', { session: true }),
    (req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));

You can also check to make sure you want to let a user login. This could be useful if you only want to allow only certain people to authenticate (e.g. a private blog or beta website).

passport.use(new SecureLogin.Strategy({ domains: 'http://c.dev:3001' },
    (user, done) => {
        // Do some verification here, then call `done(err, user, info)`
        if (user.authkeys.public === 'WfgIE2wK/9N3PQE5KpZOCwNEPVAFV3c8T6NweX+dSos=') {
            done(null, user);
        } else {
            done(null, false, 'not allowed to authenticate');

app.post('/login', passport.authenticate('securelogin', { session: true }),
    (req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));

Action Confirmation

Important actions should be verified to make sure they are being performed by the person who they claim to be. This can be easily done using this module by using something like the following Express route:

app.post('/sendmoney', SecureLogin.ScopeMiddleware({ domains: 'http://c.dev:3001' }),
    (req, res) => {
        console.log(`${req.user.authkeys.public} -> $${req.securelogin.scope.amount} -> ${req.securelogin.scope.address}`);

When SecureLogin responds to the /sendmoney callback URL (which we define in the client-side JavaScript), the middleware will verify the response and set req.securelogin.scope to the verified scope if the verification is successful. Otherwise, req.securelogin.errors will contain the errors.

Profile Change

An important part of the SecureLogin protocol is the ability to change profiles. This could include a user changing their email and/or password, which will also change their identifying public key. Here's how you would implement this endpoint in passport-securelogin:

app.post('/securelogin', SecureLogin.SLMiddleware({ domains: DOMAINS },
    (err, newUser, oldPublicKey) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            // Update user's database entry with the new profile info

The SecureLogin.SLMiddleware requires a callback with an err, a newUser object and the user's oldPublicKey. Assuming you're using the user's public key as a unique identifier in your database (you should be doing this), you can use oldPublicKey to find the user, and update their profile according to the newUser object.


An example application can be found in the /example directory. To run the example, cd into the directory, npm install the dependencies, then run node server. You should be able to visit http://localhost:3001 to see the app. This example is also running at https://passport-securelogin.herokuapp.com if you would like to take a look.