

Burp proxy search

Burp suite HTTP history advanced search and statistics.

This command line tool will process the output of Burp's "Proxy / HTTP history / Save items" and extract any information you need.

The tool is provided with one example plugin that will show all the unique content security policies found in the HTTP traffic, but you should be able to quickly extend this tool using new plugins to extract any information you need.


git clone git@github.com:andresriancho/burp-proxy-search.git
cd burp-proxy-search
pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: burp-proxy-search.py [-h] [--plugin {unique_csp}] filename


python burp-proxy-search.py ~/current-project/burp/saved.data
python burp-proxy-search.py ~/current-project/burp/saved.data --plugin your-amazing-plugin

Extending using plugins

  1. Create the plugin inheriting from Plugin
  2. Take a look at unique_cors.py for inspiration
  3. Edit plugin_manager.py to add a reference to the new plugin
  4. Test and send a pull request ;-)

The plugin needs to implement process_item to process each HTTP request and response, and an end method which is called at the end to show the result.

process_item takes a rather complex object as input, I recommend you inspect it using print(item.__dict__).