

<img src="http://hprose.com/banner.@2x.png" alt="Hprose" title="Hprose" width="650" height="200" /> ===============

Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine.

It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform, object-oriented, high performance, remote dynamic communication middleware. It is not only easy to use, but powerful. You just need a little time to learn, then you can use it to easily construct cross language cross platform distributed application system.

It contains a semi-text serialization format, an RPC protocol and its implementation. The meaning of semi-text is all the data are represented as text, except the original binary data. The serialization format is very compact. It takes up very little space, and can be parsed very quickly in programming language. You can use this serialization format without hprose RPC protocol in other communications protocols, data storage, and more. If you want to know more, please read Hprose Specification(中文版).

Language support

Hprose 2.0.x:

hproselanguage or platformlastest-versiondocuments
hprose-phpSupported PHP versions: 5.3 .. 7.1PackagistDocuments
hprose-swooleSupported PHP versions: 5.3 .. 7.1PackagistDocuments
hprose-yiiSupported PHP versions: 5.3 .. 7.1PackagistDocuments
hprose-symfonySupported PHP versions: 5.3 .. 7.1PackagistDocuments
hprose-psr7Supported PHP versions: 5.3 .. 7.1PackagistDocuments
hprose-javaSupported Java versions: jdk5-jdk8Maven CentralDocuments
hprose-golangSupported Golang versions: 1.6+GitHub releaseDocuments
hprose-nodejsSupported Nodejs versions: allnpm versionDocuments
hprose-jsSupported JavaScript versions: es3-es2016npm version bower versionDocuments
hprose-html5Supported JavaScript versions: es5-es2016npm version bower versionDocuments
hprose-wxSupported JavaScript versions: es5-es6GitHub releaseDocuments
hprose-delphiSupported Delphi versions: delphi6-delphi10.1 Supported FreePascal versions: freepascal2-freepascal3GitHub releaseDocuments Documents

Hprose 1.x.x:

hproselanguage or platformlastest-versiondocuments
hprose-dotnetSupported .NET versions: All Supported Mono versions: All Supported Unity versions: All Supported .NET CF versions: All Supported .NET MF versions: All Supported SliverLight versions: 2+NuGet NuGetDocuments
hprose-pythonSupported Python versions: 2.3~3.5PyPIDocuments
hprose-rubySupported Ruby versions: 1.8.5+GemDocuments
hprose-as2Supported Ruby versions: 2GitHub releaseDocuments
hprose-as3Supported Ruby versions: 3GitHub releaseDocuments
hprose-aspSupported ASP versions: allGitHub releaseDocuments
hprose-j2meSupported J2ME versions: allGitHub releaseDocuments


Hprose is free software, available with full source. You may use hprose under the terms of the MIT License.

The MIT License is simple and easy to understand and it places almost no restrictions on what you can do with hprose.

You are free to use hprose in commercial projects as long as the copyright header is left intact.