

kittenm4ster's MIDI to PICO-8 Tracker Translator

"It just works, sometimes!"


How To Use

usage: awyeah.py [-h] [--legato] [--staccato] [--no-fix-octaves]
                 [--no-quantize] [-t MIDI_BASE_TICKS] [-d NOTE_DURATION]
                 [--midi-offset MIDI_OFFSET] [--sfx-offset SFX_OFFSET]
                 [--pattern-offset PATTERN_OFFSET] [--no-compact]
                 [--no-trim-silence] [--waveform [WAVEFORM [WAVEFORM ...]]]
                 [--octave-shift [OCTAVE_SHIFT [OCTAVE_SHIFT ...]]]
                 [--volume-shift [VOLUME_SHIFT [VOLUME_SHIFT ...]]]
                 [--mute [MUTE [MUTE ...]]]
                 midiPath [cartPath]

positional arguments:
  midiPath              The path to the MIDI file to be translated
  cartPath              The path to PICO-8 cartridge file to be generated

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --legato              Disable fadeout effect at the end of any notes (even
                        repeated notes)
  --staccato            Add a fadeout effect at the end of every note
  --no-fix-octaves      Do not change octaves of tracks to keep them in PICO-8
  --no-quantize         Do not perform any quantization of note lengths
  -t MIDI_BASE_TICKS, --midi-base-ticks MIDI_BASE_TICKS
                        Override MIDI ticks per PICO-8 note setting (normally
  -d NOTE_DURATION, --note-duration NOTE_DURATION
                        Override PICO-8 note duration setting (normally auto-
                        detected from MIDI tempo)
  --midi-offset MIDI_OFFSET
                        Change the start point in the MIDI file (in # of
                        PICO-8 SFX)
  --sfx-offset SFX_OFFSET
                        Change the starting SFX slot in PICO-8
  --pattern-offset PATTERN_OFFSET
                        Change the starting music pattern slot in PICO-8
  --no-compact          Don't try to compact groups of repeated notes into
                        fewer notes played for longer (this compacting is
                        sometimes slow, so using this flag will speed up
                        processing time at the cost of possibly occupying more
                        SFXes in the PICO-8 cart)
  --no-trim-silence     Don't trim silence off the beginning
  --waveform [WAVEFORM [WAVEFORM ...]]
                        Specify which PICO-8 waveform (instrument) number to
                        use for each MIDI track
  --octave-shift [OCTAVE_SHIFT [OCTAVE_SHIFT ...]]
                        Specify the number of octaves to shift each MIDI track
  --volume-shift [VOLUME_SHIFT [VOLUME_SHIFT ...]]
                        Specify a number to add to the volume of all notes in
                        each MIDI track (volume for each note will be limited
                        to the range 1-7
  --mute [MUTE [MUTE ...]]
                        Specify whether to "mute" each MIDI track (1 = mute, 0
                        = do not mute). Notes for a muted track will be
                        excluded from the PICO-8 cartridge entirely

Please Note

MIDI format stores music in a conceptually different way than PICO-8's tracker does. Because of this fundamental difference, conversion from MIDI to PICO-8 tracker format will never be 100% perfect in all cases.

Furthermore, in order to keep the scope of this program manageable, I have chosen (at least for now) to concentrate only on conversion of a certain type of MIDI file which has the following characterstics:

TLDR: If you use a MIDI with the right characteristics, this program can and does produce a great result! If you use anything else, don't be surprised if the result is a grotesque monstrosity :)


There are probably lots of bugs! This is a thing written for fun and it should be considered to be in an "work in progress" state.

Libraries/Special Thanks

To Do List

These are things that are totally unimplemented now but that I may try to implement in the future: