

Transitions Everywhere

Set of extra Transitions on top of AndroidX Transitions Library.


Article about transitions and library<br> Originally this library was a full backport of Android Platform's Transitions API.<br> Then all the bug fixes from the library were ported into AndroidX Transitions (previously Support library).<br> Now this lib has minSdk version <b>14</b> (Android 4.0 ICS) and consist of some transitions which are not a part of the official set:

  1. Internal Transitions that was marked as @hide in the platform: <b>Recolor</b>, <b>Rotate</b>, <b>ChangeText</b> and <b>Crossfade</b>.
  2. Two extra transitions: <b>Scale</b> and <b>Translation</b>.<br><br>

Quick start

This version should be used if you are specifying 29 (Q) as a targetSdkVersion:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.andkulikov:transitionseverywhere:2.1.0"

Otherwise, if you specify 29 as targetSdkVersion some of the transitions will not work properly. Instead of the reflection calls this version uses the new public methods added in API Level 29. It is based on <b>androidx.transition:transition:1.2.0</b>.

Previous version if you are not yet on 29 (Q) SDK:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.andkulikov:transitionseverywhere:2.0.0"

This version is based on <b>androidx.transition:transition:1.1.0</b>.

Migration from 1.x guide

  1. Migrate to <b>AndroidX</b>! Support libraries are not updating anymore, to get all the bug fixes you have to use AndroidX transitions.
  2. Replace imports from <b>com.transitionseverywhere.</b> to <b>androidx.transition.</b> for all the classes which are a part of the AndroidX lib.
  3. If you were using <b>Transition.TransitionListenerAdapter</b> class use <b>TransitionListenerAdapter</b> now.
  4. Instead of <b>TransitionManager.setTransitionName()</b> use <b>ViewCompat.setTransitionName()</b>.
  5. If you were inflating transitions via xml move your files from <b>anim</b> folder to <b>transition</b> and use <b>android:</b> namespace instead of <b>app:</b>
  6. Some setters in AndroidX transitions are not following the builder pattern, please rewrite this usages with introducing a helper variable if you encounter the issue.
  7. Instead of <b>TranslationTransition</b> use <b>Translation</b>.

Articles about the version 1.x

Article about transitions and library<br> Russian version<br> Chinese: version 1, version 2<br>

Changelog for version 1.x