

Socks5 proxy written in Erlang


This project can take you through a Firewall via Socks5 proxy.


with the great erlang, the project has the following features:

Running status

In my daily use,


+-----------+            +--------------+   encrypt
| local app |  <=======> | proxy client |  <#######
+-----------+   decrypt  +--------------+         #
                                                  # encrypted data
+-------------+            +--------------+       #
| target host |  <=======> | proxy server |  <#####
+-------------+   decrypt  +--------------+  encrypt
  1. proxy client is running at your local computer.

    It receive your app (like browser) request, encrypt the data, send to proxy server

  2. proxy server receive the request from proxy client, decrypt it, and sent to the target host.

  3. proxy server got the response from target host, and encrypt response, send back to proxy client.

  4. proxy client decrypt response received from proxy server, and send to local app.

  5. the circle done.


Server side

  1. git clone https://github.com/yueyoum/make-proxy.git or directly download.

  2. cp src/config.hrl.example src/config.hrl

    You need to define the REMOTEIP and REMOTEPORT.

    REMOTEPORT is which port proxy_server will listen on.

  3. ./start_server.sh or ./start_server.sh -d will run the server in backend.

Local side

  1. same as the Server side, checkout the code, and do the difinition AS SAME AS the server side

  2. ./start_client.sh

Now, you can set your apps (e.g. Browser) Using socks5 proxy.

IP =

PORT = 7070 (if not changed in the src/config.hrl)


  1. change the encrypt/decrypt method, now is just every byte do bxor with 2#01111001