ArtBook is a portfolio showcase web application. It is a full-stack app built using a Ruby on Rails
backend, PostgreSQL
database, and React/Redux
front-end architecture.
Planning & Design
<p align="center"> <img src="./docs/wireframes/wireframes.jpg" /> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="">Design documents can be found in the wiki!</a> </p>Technologies
Ruby On Rails, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Cloudinary
<img src="" height="50"> <img src="" height="50"> <img src="" height="45"> <img src="" height="50">
React/Redux, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, npm, webpack
<img src="" height="45"> <img src="" height="40"> <img src="" height="50"> <img src="" height="50">
- RSpec Rails, Jest
Features & Implementation
Users: A user can sign up, log in, and log out. Each user has a profile.
Projects: Users own many projects, which are composed of images. Images belong to a specific project. Projects can be explored on the dashboard.
Comments: Users can comment on projects and delete their own comments.
Likes: Users can like and unlike projects. A users liked projects are displayed on their profile.
# User Model Associations
class User < ApplicationRecord
# ...
has_many :projects, dependent: :destroy
has_many :images, through: :projects, source: :images
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :likes, dependent: :destroy
has_many :liked_projects, through: :likes, source: :project
# ...
Secure Authentication
- BCrypt for password-salting and hashing for a secure authentication system.
- Guest / Demo Account
Modals were used to implement the Login/Signup session forms, as well as project views.
render() {
const project = this.props.project;
return (
<div className="project" key={}>
<section onClick={this.openModal.bind(this)}>
<img className="thumbnail" src={project.thumbnail_url}/>
<section className="thumbnail-info">
<span className="project-title">{project.title}</span>
<Link to={`/users/${project.user_id}`}
<div className="x-button">
<button onClick={this.closeModal}><i aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div className="project-detail">
<ImageIndexContainer project={project}/>
<ProjectInfoContainer project={project}/>
Comments and Likes
Users can comment and like projects.
<p align="center"> <img src="" width="500"/> </p>In-Progress
- In progress: setup Continuous Integration (Jenkins build passed)
- In progress: Deploy through AWS server and remote Postgres database.
- In progress: Configure Segment
Future Features
Infinite scroll
This will allow users to keep scrolling to retrieve more content, instead of fetching it all at once.
Follows and User-specific Feed
Users will be able to follow each other, allowing for a customizable feed per user.
Search by content (tags)
Categorizing projects will allow users to search and filter through projects.
Upload projects
Users will be able to upload, edit, and destroy their own projects through the API.