


DDOS and attack resilient HAProxy configuration. To be used behind CloudFlare. Use it to build Docker container-based load balancers. Follow @analytically for updates. I welcome pull requests for blocking other attack vectors!

Part inspired by HAProxy termination in AWS.


docker build -t mycompany/haproxy-ddos .


Mozilla's recommended configuration 'Modern' is used. Mount the directory containing your SSL certificates (pem) as /etc/ssl/private/:

docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --restart=always -v /opt/mycompany/ssl:/etc/ssl/private \ -t -i mycompany/haproxy-ddos bash

This will give you a bash prompt into the Docker container. To customize the backends, edit haproxy.cfg.tpl.


Uses two ways of blocking users: a simple deny via HTTP 200 response page and a tarpit. Tarpit stops the request without responding for a delay of 10 seconds. After that delay, if the client is still connected, an HTTP error 500 is returned so that the client does not suspect it has been tarpitted.

Tracks client IPs into a global stick table. Each IP is stored for a limited amount of time, with several counters attached to it. When a new connection comes in, the stick table is evaluated to verify that the new connection from this client is allowed to continue.

The client IP is provided by CloudFlare through the CF-Connecting-IP HTTP header.

Deny block

HTTP 200 for app backend, 403 for API backend.

Tarpit block

HAProxy Stats

Available on http://localhost:9090, use haproxy/haproxy for read-only access, admin/FeYskS2qjP7qvED for admin access.

Webhooks (via CaptainHook)

Updating the TOR node list

curl -X POST localhost:666/update-tor-exit-nodes

Restarting HAProxy

curl -X POST localhost:666/restart-haproxy


Don't run on Docker using OverlayFS.


If you set the environment variable LOGSTASH_SERVICE_HOST to the Logstash host, HAProxy will log against it (port 5140). Use the following configuration to better deal with HAProxy's logging:

if [type] == "haproxy" {
    grok {
      match           => ["message", "%{IP:client_ip}:%{INT:client_port} \[%{HAPROXYDATE:accept_date}\] %{NOTSPACE:frontend_name} %{NOTSPACE:backend_name}/%{NOTSPACE:server_name} %{INT:time_request}/%{INT:time_queue}/%{INT:time_backend_connect}/%{INT:time_backend_response}/%{NOTSPACE:time_duration} %{INT:http_status_code} %{NOTSPACE:bytes_read} %{DATA:captured_request_cookie} %{DATA:captured_response_cookie} %{NOTSPACE:termination_state} %{INT:actconn}/%{INT:feconn}/%{INT:beconn}/%{INT:srvconn}/%{NOTSPACE:retries} %{INT:srv_queue}/%{INT:backend_queue} (\{%{DATA:request_header_host}\|%{DATA:request_header_x_forwarded_for}\|%{DATA:request_header_accept_language}\|%{DATA:request_header_referer}\|%{DATA:request_header_user_agent}\|%{DATA:request_cf_ip_country}\|%{DATA:request_cf_connecting_ip}\|%{DATA:request_cf_ray}\|%{DATA:request_content_length}\|%{DATA:request_haproxy_acl}\|%{DATA:request_haproxy_tarpit}\|%{DATA:request_bc_api_access_key}\})?( )?(\{%{HAPROXYCAPTUREDRESPONSEHEADERS}\})?( )?\"(<BADREQ>|(%{WORD:http_verb} (%{URIPROTO:http_proto}://)?(?:%{USER:http_user}(?::[^@]*)?@)?(?:%{URIHOST:http_host})?(?:%{URIPATHPARAM:http_request})?( HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version})?))?"]

    # Re-do the timestamp, because haproxy logs come with sub-second precision
    date {
      match           => ["accept_date", "d/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss.SSS"]
      timezone        => "UTC"
      remove_field    => ["accept_date", "haproxy_monthday", "haproxy_month", "haproxy_time", "haproxy_year", "haproxy_month", "haproxy_hour", "haproxy_minute", "haproxy_second", "haproxy_milliseconds"]
      add_tag         => "haproxy"

    geoip {
      source          => "request_cf_connecting_ip"
      target          => "geoip"
      add_field       => ["[geoip][coordinates]","%{[geoip][longitude]}"]
      add_field       => ["[geoip][coordinates]","%{[geoip][latitude]}"]
      add_tag         => [ "geoip" ]

    # Clean up
    if [captured_request_cookie] == "-" { mutate { remove_field => "captured_request_cookie" } }
    if [captured_response_cookie] == "-" { mutate { remove_field => "captured_response_cookie" } }

    mutate {
      replace => ["type", "haproxy"]
      convert => [ "client_port", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "time_request", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "time_queue", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "time_backend_connect", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "time_backend_response", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "time_duration", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "http_status_code", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "bytes_read", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "actconn", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "feconn", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "beconn", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "srvconn", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "retries", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "srv_queue", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "backend_queue", "integer" ]
      convert => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "float" ]
      uppercase => [ "http_verb" ]


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Copyright 2015 Mathias Bogaert.