Create and manage alerts in your chatroom using hubot and influxdb Runs pre-set influxdb queries periodically. If any queries return a result each row generates a seperate alert into chat.
The following options can be set as environment variables:
HUBOT_INFLUXALERTS_AUTO_ALERT_ROOM #the chat room to post alerts to
HUBOT_INFLUXALERTS_HOURS_BEFORE_REPOST #Hours between posting an unclaimed alert. Default: 3
HUBOT_INFLUX_ALERTS_HOURS_BEFORE_ACK_REPOST #Hours between posting a claimed alert: Default 12
HUBOT_INFLUX_ALERT_CHECK_INTERVAL #Time in ms between running the queries 60000
The rest of the config is handled in a json file in config/hubot-influx-config.json in the project directory
Authenticate with influxdb
"connection": {
"username": "foo-user",
"password": "bar-password",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "8086"
"default_database": "my-database", #if database is not specified in query config use this
Register queries
"queries": {
"my-database": {
This query will only run when a user calls influx run test-no-alert. It will not generate any alerts
"test-no-alert": {
This query is run as part of the alert suite. For each row "template" is written to chat with the template variables filled in using the columns in "columns".
"test-alert": {
"query": "select firstname,lastname from foo",
"alert": true,
"alert_msg": {
"template": "Danger, {0} {1} everything is broken",
"columns": ["firstname", "lastname"]
influx alerts {off|on} #Manually toggle alerts on or off
influx show #Show Available Queries
influx run QUERY_NAME #Run a query
influx alerts check #Run all the alert queries
influx claim ID #Claim an alert
Alexander Welch <amwelch3 (at)>