


A simple plugin for integrating Dear ImGui in Unreal Engine 5.




At it's core the plugin is just a Slate widget with ImGui renderer, yes it's that simple :) <br> The plugin manages a global widget/window which can be used to add global widgets (managers, stats visualizer etc.) <br> User can also create SImGuiWidget widget which works like any other Slate widget with an addition of Tick delegate which can be used to add ImGui widgets. <br>

Adding to main window

Creating a standalone window

UImGuiSubsystem* Subsystem = UImGuiSubsystem::Get();
ImGuiWindow = Subsystem->CreateWindow("TestWindow", { 300., 300. }, TickDelegate);

Creating a slate widget

Users can create SImGuiWidget widget and add them to viewport or Slate containers, works similar to any other slate widget.