


At the beginning I was planning to put here only official firmwares found somewhere in update files and internet but now, with help from people involved in process of reverse enginnering of uvk5 you can find here some knowledge and findings regarding our very wallet friendly yet so capable radio. Here is table of contents of this repository.

Build your own firmware - /uvmod_kitchen

You can select what you want to include in your modded firmware. If you want unlock all frequencies but also have custom frequency steps? This is section for you. Thanks to this tool you can mix and match different mods to be included in final firmware. All mods are basing on firmware version k5_2.01.26.

Build your own firmware - /uvmod_kitchen_31

Same as above but all mods are basing on firmware version k5_2.01.31.

Documents - /docs

Some (incomplete) documents with info about CPU I/O pins, memory mappings, firmware format etc.

Font and graphics - /font_and_graphics

Simple python script which extracts from firmware all bitmaps used in radio's user interface. It works as substitute of documentation.

Datasheets and drawings - /hardware

Here are all the efforts of searching internet for datasheets but also drawings of reverse engineered schematics and high resolution photos of PCB.

OpenOCD configs - /openocd

Tools necessary to unbrick your radio or dump flash memory.

Utility scripts - /python-utils

Python library and sample scripts which leverage official communication protocol. You can dump EEPROM and reboot your radio or decode firmware.

Quansheng UV-K5 Firmware collection - /firmware

Only stock firmwares, no mods, no alterations. If you want modified firmware ready to flash please check out Andrej's repo

Firmware_VersionProgramming softwareFirmware-Updater
k5_2.01.23V1.0.38 2023-02-11 07:49:361.1.11
k5_2.01.25Not released, dumped from devicen/a
k5_2.01.27Not released, dumped from device by @CloverGitn/a
k5_2.01.27Released on Radtel Site1.1.12
k5_2.01.31Official fw, released 2023-09-02 (UV-K5)1.1.12
k5_2.01.32Released on Radtel Site1.1.12
k5_2.01.33Official fw, released 2024-03-05 (UV-K5)1.1.12
k5_2.01.35Official fw, released 2024-07 (UV-K5)n/a
k6_3.00.10Not released, dumped from device (UV-K6)n/a
k6_3.00.15Official fw, released 2023-09-02 (UV-K6)1.1.12
k6_3.00.17Official fw, released 2024-03-05 (UV-K6)1.1.12
k6_3.00.18Official fw, released 2024-07 (UV-K6)n/a
k5_4.00.01Not released, dumped from device (UV-5R PLUS)n/a
k5_4.00.06Released on Radtel Site1.1.12
k5_4.00.07From @Andy-GM (see #117) (UV-5R PLUS)n/a

All files from table are already encoded and can be directly flashed using firmware updater V1.1.12.


Thanks for all contributors

<a href="https://github.com/amnemonic/Quansheng_UV-K5_Firmware/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=amnemonic/Quansheng_UV-K5_Firmware" /> </a>