

Vnc2Video CircleCI MIT Licensed

A real wold implementation of vnc client for go

After searching the web for an vnc client in golang which is not a toy & support more than handshake + RAW encoding, I came up blank, so, I set out to write one myself.

The video encoding part means that something can be viewed, and since I don't really feel like writing GTK UIs in 2018 (plus VNC viewers are a dime a dozen), a video file will do. In actuality the images produced are go images and can easily be saved as JPEG, or displayed in any UI you want to create.

Encoding support:

Video codec support:

Frame Buffer Stream file support (fbs)


It may seem strange that I didn't use my previous vncproxy code in order to create this client, but since that code is highly optimized to be a proxy (never hold a full message in buffer & introduce no lags), it is not best suited to be a client, so instead of spending the time reverting all the proxy-specific code, I just started from the most advanced go vnc-client code I found.

Most of what I added is the rfb-encoder & video encoding implementations, there are naturally some additional changes in order to get a global canvas (draw.Image) to render on by all encodings.

The code for the encodings was gathered by peeking at several RFB source codes in cpp & some in java, reading the excellent documentation in rfbproto, and a lot of gritty bit-plucking, pixel jogging & code cajoling until everything fell into place on screen.

I did not include tightPng in the supported encoding list since I didn't find a server to test it with, so I can't vouch for the previous implementation, If you have such a server handy, please check and tell me if it works.