


a simple gemini server

a brief note about gemini

gemini is like the web, but smaller. it's designed to be a much smaller specification and therefore much easier to implement and maintain.

for more info, check out this page

how to use kepler

kepler uses INI for config. to start kepler, run kepler path/to/config/file. all paths in the config are relative to the folder containing the config file. an example setup is included in this repository. values MUST NOT be enclosed with quotes.

list of keys:


kepler supports redirections, and can dynamically update redirects without needing to restart. redirects are specified in a separate INI file, which is pointed to by the redirects_file key. this file is structured a little oddly because gemini redirects can be permanent or temporary. an example redirect might be

destination = gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space
permanent = true

any request for that path will be redirected to destination, with the permanence of the redirect being determined by permanent. if permanent is not present or the value does not equal true or false, the redirect will be assumed to be temporary. paths do not have a starting or ending slash.

the redirect table will be reloaded from disk on the first incoming request after N seconds have passed since the last reload, where N is the value of redirects_ttl.