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Python port of PeerJS client.

Enables Progressive Web Apps to discover and pair directly with Python apps using secure, browser supported WebRTC protocol.

Additional features:

See Ambianic UI PNP module for a real-world example how PeerJS Python is used with PnP and HTTP Proxy.


Uses aiortc as Python WebRTC provider. This requires installing a few native dependencies for audio/video media processing.

On Debian/Ubuntu run:

apt install libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libopus-dev libvpx-dev pkg-config libsrtp2-dev

On OS X run:

brew install ffmpeg opus libvpx pkg-config


This project was originally motivated while searching for a way to:

This article in WebRTCHacks provides more insight into the background of this project.

Main requirements

Project Status

Initial working prototype completed. PeerJS Python is now able to connect over WebRTC DataChannel to PeerJS in the browser and exchange messages.

Code Examples

A typical p2p session takes these steps:

  1. Establish signaling server session that enables peers to discover each other.
  2. Discover remote peer ID (either via signaling server room affinity or other means)
  3. Request connection to remote peer via signaling server
  4. Connect to remote peer via WebRTC ICE protocol.
  5. Exchange data or media with remote peer over p2p WebRTC connection.

The following code snippet shows the initial part of establishing a signaling server connection.

    options = PeerOptions(
            iceServers=[RTCIceServer(**srv) for srv in config['ice_servers']]
    peer = Peer(id=savedPeerId, peer_options=options)
    await peer.start()
    log.info('peer activated')

Once a signaling server connection is established, a peer can request connection to another peer or listen for requests from a remote peer. The example snippet bellow shows the latter:

    async def peer_connection(peerConnection):
        log.info('Remote peer trying to establish connection')

After a p2p connection is established, a peer can receive and send application messages. The following snippet shows how a peer receives a message:

    async def pc_data(data):
        log.debug('data received from remote peer \n%r', data)

For a complete working example see this file.

Other Related Open Source projects

There are several great projects that solve the problem of accessing IoT devices behind firewall via tunneling servers.

A few popular p2p projects that use WebRTC: