

Go Socket.IO Framework (GOSF)

Go Socket.IO Framework or GOSF is an easy-to-use framework for developing Socket.IO API's in Google's Go language (GoLang).

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Supports Socket.IO Version 2

An example server to help you get started can be found at github.com/ambelovsky/gosf-sample-app.

For an in-depth look at the API Framework, check us out at gosf.io.

Get It

go get -u "github.com/ambelovsky/gosf"


Quick Start

The following sample will start a server that responds on an "echo" endpoint and return the same message received from the client back to the client.


package main

import (
  f "github.com/ambelovsky/gosf"

func init() {
  // Listen on an endpoint
  f.Listen("echo", func(client *f.Client, request *f.Request) *f.Message {
    return f.NewSuccessMessage(request.Message.Text)

func main() {
  // Start the server using a basic configuration
    "port": 9999})


<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.2.0/socket.io.slim.js"></script>
  var socket = io.connect('ws://localhost:9999', { transports: ['websocket'] });

  socket.emit('echo', { text: 'Hello world.' }, function(response) {

Learn More

Discover more about GOSF with the complete documentation at gosf.io.

Documenting Your API

While you're building your API, take some time to build the documentation too! Check out github.com/ambelovsky/go-api-docs for an easy-to-use documentation system built using the slate theme.

Original Author

Aaron Belovsky is a senior technologist, avid open source contributor, and author of GOSF.
