

Graph Coloring with Physics-Inspired Graph Neural Networks

In this repo we show how to solve graph coloring problems with physics-inspired graph neural networks, as outlined in Martin J. A. Schuetz, J. Kyle Brubaker, Zhihuai Zhu, Helmut G. Katzgraber, Graph Coloring with Physics-Inspired Graph Neural Networks, arXiv:2202.01606. In gc_example.ipynb we solve one example COLOR graph problem, but our approach can easily be extended to other problems, for instance the citations graphs. For the implementation of the graph neural network layers (GCNConv, SAGEConv, etc) we use the open-source dgl library.


We show how graph neural networks can be used to solve the canonical graph coloring problem. We frame graph coloring as a multi-class node classification problem and utilize an unsupervised training strategy based on the statistical physics Potts model. Generalizations to other multi-class problems such as community detection, data clustering, and the minimum clique cover problem are straightforward. We provide numerical benchmark results and illustrate our approach with an end-to-end application for a real-world scheduling use case within a comprehensive encode-process- decode framework. Our optimization approach performs on par or outperforms existing solvers, with the ability to scale to problems with millions of variables.

Example code

In this notebook (gc_example.ipynb) we show how to solve graph coloring problems with physics-inspired graph neural networks, as outlined in M. J. A. Schuetz, J. K. Brubaker, Z. Zhu, H. G. Katzgraber, Graph Coloring with Physics-Inspired Graph Neural Networks, arXiv:2202.01606. Here we focus on one example COLOR graph instance (see data ) and provide one set of known hyperparameters that will yield a cost of 0 when run on a GPU instance. For the implementation of the graph neural network we use the open-source dgl library.

Environment Setup

Please note we have provided a requirements.txt file, which defines the environment required to run this code. Because some of the packages are not available on default OSX conda channels, we have also provided suggested channels to find them on. These can be distilled into a single line as such:

conda create -n <environment_name> python=3.7 --file requirements.txt -c dglteam

We include logic to determine whether to use CUDA (e.g. GPU) or CPU backend, but it's important to note that DGL library must be installed with CUDA drivers included or this script will fail. We include comments in requirements.txt on how to handle this, which we reproduce here for visibility:

# For CPU-based DGL installation (default option):

# For GPU-based DGL installation:
# DGL installation is complicated if you want to include CUDA (i.e. use GPUs)
# First, go to the terminal and look for the CUDA version, i.e. via `nvidia-smi`
# With that version, you can insert into the following command:
# `conda install -c dglteam dgl-cudaXY.Z`
# For instance, if CUDA version = 11.0:
# `conda install -c dglteam dgl-cuda11.0`


To help keep repository size low, we do not include the input dataset. The COLOR dataset can be downloaded from this site: https://mat.tepper.cmu.edu/COLOR/instances.html

The direct download link to the instances.tar object is here: https://mat.tepper.cmu.edu/COLOR/instances/instances.tar

We suggest downloading these under the parent path data/input/COLOR and unpacking there, such that you have queen5_5.col and the path data/input/COLOR/instances/queen5_5.col. However, this is left to the user, and the parent path to file queen5_5.col (or whichever specific problem the user chooses) can be specified in the input_parent variable in cell 3

You can unpack the tar file via any standard utility (i.e. by double-clicking on it) or via command line, such as (on linux) tar -xvf instances.tar

Cells 4-6 contain logic to automate the downloading and unpacking of the COLOR datasets. The user can uncomment the code in these cells as an alternative to manually executing the above steps.

Code Execution

Once the virtual environment is established (see above), running the code is straightforward. From the parent folder, launch the notebook via

conda activate <environment_name> jupyter notebook gc_example.ipynb

Once in the notebook, run the cells via

Cell > Run All


Kernel > Restart & Run All

NOTE: On a standard laptop (e.g. a 2019 13" MacBook Pro), the full notebook takes ~30-60 seconds to run. This should not vary much across hardware, as the code is not parallelized and the problem instance and GNN model are small enough to fit in memory.

Hyperparameter Optimization

In arXiv:2202.01606 Appendix I, we report the hyperparameters used to achieve the performance across problem instances listed in Table I. Most of these parameters were found through hyperparameter optimization (HPO) leveraging the hyperopt library. We do not include the logic to run HPO in our example notebook. For an example of how to run the HPO process, see the example in the Getting Started section of Hyperopt's site. It is important to note that the results of HPO, and any given model training run, can be sensitive to variables like the random seed of the appropriate RNG libraries (i.e. numpy.random, torch.random) or whether training is run on CPU or GPU. Such factors can lead to differences in results across machines if not handled carefully.

Here is the list of key hyperparameters we would suggest tuning to improve results:

number_epochs The maximum number of epochs to train the GNN model

learning_rate Learning rate for the optimizer (Adam, AdamW, etc)

dim_embedding Dimensionality of embedding vector, per input

hidden_dim Size of intermediate hidden layer

dropout Fraction of nodes to drop out in each layer

tolerance Minimum change in loss to be considered an improvement

patience How many epochs without improvement before early stopping is triggered


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.

License Summary

The documentation is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the LICENSE file.

The sample code within this documentation is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE-SAMPLECODE file.


  title={Graph Coloring with Physics-Inspired Graph Neural Networks},
  author={Schuetz, Martin J. A. and Brubaker, J. Kyle and Zhu, Zhihuai and Katzgraber, Helmut G.},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01606},