

MariaDB as a Service APB

This Ansible Playbook Bundle (APB) provisions users and databases on a existing MariaDB instance.


Set up the Ansible service broker to import APBs from the Docker Hub appuio repository:

  - name: lagoon
    type: dockerhub
    org: lagoonapb
    tag: latest
    white_list: [.*-apb$]

To provide the admin user credentials to connect to the MariaDB, a secret with the name lagoon-dbaas-db-credentials needs to exist in the Ansible service broker namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: lagoon-dbaas-db-credentials
type: Opaque
  production_mariadb_hostname: db.maria.com
  production_mariadb_readreplica_hostname: db.readreplica.maria.com
  production_mariadb_password: myPassword
  production_mariadb_port: '3306'
  production_mariadb_user: root
  development_mariadb_hostname: db.maria.com
  development_mariadb_readreplica_hostname: db.readreplica.maria.com
  development_mariadb_password: myPassword
  development_mariadb_port: '3306'
  development_mariadb_user: root

If your environment has a read-replica mariadb endpoint, you can configure *_mariadb_readreplica_hostname with the read-replica hostname. Otherwise, if there is no read-replica available, just populate it with the same value as *_mariadb_hostname.

The Ansible service broker needs to be configured to mount the secret in provisioner pods. Add the following section to the Ansible service broker configuration (ConfigMap):

- title: DBaaS database credentials
  secret: lagoon-dbaas-db-credentials
  apb_name: lagoon-dbaas-mariadb-apb

Development environment

NOTE: these scripts run oc commands, so don't run them while logged in to another cluster

You can use minishift with the Ansible Service Broker Addon to run a local OpenShift installation with the Ansible service broker to test APBs.

The script minishift-devel.sh will set up a minishift development environment for you. It requires these CLI tools to be installed:

Also refer to the apb developer documentation, and the other documents in that /docs directory.


Basic integration tests can be run using minishift-test.sh, and assume an environment set up via the minishift-devel.sh script. The tests require these CLI tools to be installed:

Example test output:

$ ./minishift-test.sh
 ✓ provision a service (development)
 ✓ check that the readreplica service is defined (development)
 ✓ bind the secret (development)
 ✓ check the contents of the secret (development)
 ✓ unbind the secret (development)
 ✓ deprovision the service (development)
 ✓ provision without the readreplica secret present (development)
 ✓ check that no readreplica service is defined (development)
 ✓ bind the secret without the readreplica (development)
 ✓ check the contents of the secret without the readreplica (development)
 ✓ unbind the secret without the readreplica (development)
 ✓ deprovision without the readreplica secret present (development)
 ✓ provision a service (production)
 ✓ check that the readreplica service is defined (production)
 ✓ bind the secret (production)
 ✓ check the contents of the secret (production)
 ✓ unbind the secret (production)
 ✓ deprovision the service (production)
 ✓ provision without the readreplica secret present (production)
 ✓ check that no readreplica service is defined (production)
 ✓ bind the secret without the readreplica (production)
 ✓ check the contents of the secret without the readreplica (production)
 ✓ unbind the secret without the readreplica (production)
 ✓ deprovision without the readreplica secret present (production)

24 tests, 0 failures

Local development workflow

# hack
# push
oc start-build -n openshift --follow --from-dir . dbaas-mariadb-apb
# test
svcat provision test-dbaas --class localregistry-dbaas-mariadb-apb --plan development --wait
svcat deprovision test-dbaas --class localregistry-dbaas-mariadb-apb --plan development --wait


An automatic Docker build is set up for this repository. If you change stuff in apb.yml don't forget to run apb prepare before committing.