

<p align="center" style="background-color: #F8A65D;"> <img alt="oss image" src="./assets/logos/transparent/transparent@3x.png" width="100px"> <h1 align="center">Shoot! I Smoke</h1> </p> <h4 align="center">Know how many cigarettes you smoke based on the pollution of your location</h4> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/shootismoke/mobile-app/actions"> <img alt="Github Actions" src="https://github.com/shootismoke/mobile-app/workflows/pr/badge.svg" /> </a> <a href="https://codeclimate.com/github/shootismoke/mobile-app/maintainability"> <img alt="codeclimate" src="https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/9fc8ebb000978f14b6d0/maintainability" /> </a> </p> <br /> <p align="center"> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/s-i-smoke/id1365605567?mt=8"> <img alt="app-store" src="https://github.com/shootismoke/webapp/blob/master/assets/images/app-store.png?raw=true" width="200" /> </a> <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shitismoke.app"> <img alt="google-play" src="https://github.com/shootismoke/webapp/blob/master/assets/images/play-store.png?raw=true" width="200" /> </a> </p> <br />
<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/screenshots/ios/iPhone-X-1.png" alt="screenshot-1" width="150"> <img src="./assets/screenshots/ios/iPhone-X-2.png" alt="screenshot-2" width="150"> <img src="./assets/screenshots/ios/iPhone-X-3.png" alt="screenshot-3" width="150"> <img src="./assets/screenshots/ios/iPhone-X-4.png" alt="screenshot-4" width="150"> <img src="./assets/screenshots/ios/iPhone-X-5.png" alt="screenshot-5" width="150"> </p>

:iphone: Try it on Expo

This app is bootstrapped with Expo, you can download the Expo app on the App Store or Play Store, and enter the url provided below. We have 2 release channels:

Release ChannelVersionDescriptionUrl
Productionv1.8.10Same version as Shoot! I Smoke on the App Store and Play Store.https://exp.host/@shootismoke/mobile-app?release-channel=production-v1.8.10
Stagingv1.8.10Latest version currently in development: newest features, may contain bugs.https://exp.host/@shootismoke/mobile-app

:hammer: Build it yourself

Run the following commands:

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/shootismoke/mobile-app && cd shoot-i-smoke
# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Copy secrets
cp .env.example .env

# Run the app with Expo
yarn start

The Expo packager will show, and you can either:

Use your own API tokens

All required API tokens are already pre-filled in eas.json. If you want to use your own API tokens, then in eas.json's env field, add your own values. For those that are optional, you can just put null (without quotes).

GEOAPIFY_API_KEYGeoapify geocodinghttps://geoapify.comRequired. Get your own and populate it in .env
BACKEND_SECRETShoot! I Smoke Backendhttps://github.com/shootismoke/backendRequired. Pre-filled with a staging token.
AQICN_TOKENWorld Air Quality Indexhttp://aqicn.org/api/Required. You can use the public one in eas.json for development.
SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSNSentry Bug Trackinghttps://sentry.ioOptional.
AMPLITUDE_API_KEYAmplitude Analyticshttps://amplitude.comOptional. Note: we never track PII.
Google Maps for iOShttps://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/startOptional in development.
Google Maps for Androidhttps://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/Optional in development.

:raising_hand: Contribute

If you find a bug, or if you have an idea for this app, please file an issue here. We really appreciate feedback and inputs! For code contribution, you can start with these easy tasks.

More information on contributing here.

:microscope: Tests

The codebase unfortunately isn't much covered by tests. Check out the *.spec.ts files in the project for tests. If you're interested to help out, have a look at issue #19.


The app released on the App Store and Play Store is always the one on the production branch. We use EAS Update to remotely update the app when necessary. In general, this means that the semver patch version is bumped.

For major updates that don't work via EAS Update (such as an Expo SDK version bump), a new app binary is created using the commands below. In general, this means that the semver minor version is bumped.

eas build -p ios
eas submit -p ios

# Android
eas build -p android
eas submit -p android

:newspaper: License

GPL-3.0. See LICENSE file for more information.

:star: Credits

Created with pride by Marcelo & Amaury.

A huge thanks to the following contributors for their amazing work:

<a href="https://www.producthunt.com/posts/sh-t-i-smoke?utm_source=badge-featured&utm_medium=badge&utm_souce=badge-sh-t-i-smoke" target="_blank"><img src="https://api.producthunt.com/widgets/embed-image/v1/featured.svg?post_id=126582&theme=light" alt="Shoot! I Smoke - See your city's air pollution measured in daily cigarettes. | Product Hunt Embed" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250px" height="54px" /></a>